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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

I recognized him.


He was one of the very last people I ever want to see!

Oh, why didn't I remember him! This could have all been avoided.

Although..... it is nice to see his handsome face again-

I slapped myself suddenly, snapping me out of the thoughts I had just been thinking prior.

I could not, and I mean, absolutely m
Not fall for this guy's looks.

After all, I knew who truly was.

"Filthy hili-homey killer..."

"I already said sorry about that..."

I glared at aether with a side-eye.

Of course, I wasn't talking about him. He just happened to be right beside me.

Even though he was just about the same as Alfonso over there, at least Aether apologized about wrecking my hili-happiness.

"And don't slap yourself... you'll hurt that cute face of yours."
With a sly smirk and subtle compliment, he gently grabbed my arm in his hand, rubbing circles onto the exposed skin.

I cursed his silver tongue.

Feeling my face heat up at the gesture, I quickly reclaimed my arm, snatching it from the blonde's grasp.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter around dangerously.

Before I could let myself fall victim to Aether's sudden flirtatiousness, I occupied my attention with our surroundings.

We had left Rosaria once we found Albedo, who had taken us to his base of operations up the mountain.

Though in all honestly, I would have gladly gone with Rosaria if she hadn't left as soon as we were approached by the alchemist.

We were in a cave of sorts, filled with several types of alchemic tools and objects of multiple sizes.

Paper littered the ground and tabletops in a clean mess. Something that could only have been done by an intelligent yet lazy individual.

Besides this, the room was lit with multiple burning lanterns, giving the place a cozy and warm vibe contrasting the harsh cold that awaited outside.

This place felt like a haven up here in dragonspine, which is probably why the ever studious Albedo set up 'shop' here.

"Aether watch me drink one of those glowing vials."

Switching from his smirk to a mildly worried yet knowing look, he raised his hands in dismissal.

"Please don't."

I scoffed at his sad attempt to stop me.
"I can and I will."

As I stood up to continue this little ruse (of course I wasn't... totally... gonna drink one...) a new voice interjected my advancement.

"I suggest you don't, (L/n). It would hinder my research in a way I'd rather avoid."

Holding a clipboard and pen in his hands, Albedo had finished scribbling down a few notes before glancing at me through his reading glasses.

Right. He took us here to ask us a few questions.

I guessed that that was a different way of saying he wanted to 'experiment' on us.

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