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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Walking through the forest near Springfield, we all admired the scenery around us.

Paimon was happily chasing a butterfly as Aether and I watched in content.

That was until...


Someone had taken my hand, pulling me into the bushes.

Falling with a thud... well two... since the stranger grabbed Aether aswell, we looked up to see a navy, blue-haired girl.

She reached a finger to her lips in a shushing motion as to silence us, then nodded her head to the side.

Looking in the direction she nodded towards, we saw a pack of Wild boars Scurrying about.

"Oh my archons, imagine if we walked into that... Dodgeball crisis averted." I clutched my fist in front of me and pumped it upwards as I whispered.

Looking to the side at the girl who unintentionally saved us, I saw her drooling, Mouth open, and with stars in her eyes, looking at the pack of boars as if they were... a, well... piece of meat.

Wiping away her drool, she then turned to us. "Shh, keep it down! I'm hunting. I've always heard about the wide arrange of ingredients in Mondstadt, and it looks like it's true!"

As she gushed about Mondstadts delicacy's, I myself came to a conclusion. "Oh! Are you a chef!?"

"Mmhmm!" She cheerfully approved. "Im on a mission to find rare and exotic ingredients from all corners of the world!"

I silently squealed in delight. She had just about the same ambition I did!

Taking her hands into mine, I said, "oooh! My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Im on a mission to find all sorts of plants and herbs in order to continue my father's work. It's very nice to meet you!"

Matching my energy, she squeezed my hands harder, "My name is Xiangling, and Im a chef from Liyue Harbor!"

The enthusiastic atmosphere caught on to Paimon and Aether who proceeded to introduce themselves as well.

Backing away from the chef, we gave her space to allow her to say what she needed to say.

Planning on utilizing the boars around her, she kindly asked us to help her in hunting them, which we did in a timely manner.

After we retrieved the ingredients, she thanked us with a snack she made, this sending Paimon into another rant about food.

"Oh gosh, this is Delicious!"

I whole-heartedly agreed with Paimons inquiry, and let out my own sound of satisfaction.

Even with this small snack, I could tell Xiangling was certainly an expert on cooking.

A blush had made its way onto Xiangling's face from hearing our compliments. She fiddled shyly with her fingers, as she explained the process in which she made the dish.

All was going well until a citizen from Springvale appeared.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Deadpanning at the man, I slightly cursed him for ruining the happy moment.

"This is the boar's natural habitat," he continued to rant, "you can't hunt them here! You'll send them all running!"

What he was saying was understandable, but he didn't need to yell at us.

I kept my mouth shut and allowed Xiangling and Aether to deal with him.

They eventually came to an agreement where they'd have to go to Springvale's leader to apologize for disturbing the boars.

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