♡ Mora Bucks

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

The ritual was a complete success.

Starsnatcher was summoned before Xiao in a spirit-like state.
But through the confusion and panic, he flipped out, wanting to battle anyone near him.

Because of this, Aether basically had to beat his ass.

According to Paimon, it was Painfully hilarious.

I wanted to cry when she made that pun, either because I was so proud or I was distraught at how I've changed her.

Anyways, it was a sad thing that I couldn't see it first hand.

'Why... why do I have to be surrounded by hot guys.'

Picking up a small, rectangular piece of paper that had the words 'Mora bucks' scribbled on with crayon, I began to wipe my tears.

"What a hard life."

Crushing up the paper, I threw it into the air, making it land inside a trash bin.


"I hate everything that I just saw."

Grinning brightly I started to sway side to side merrily.

I had forgotten Paimon was still here with me while I had my emotional breakdown over cute guys.

Why was I with Paimon all alone? Well...

"I've got it."

Jumping up from my seat, Paimon followed suit as we held stars in our eyes.

Practically skipping towards Aether, we snatched the objects in his hand with sweet vigor before viciously bitting down on it excitedly.




✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Dazzling lights fitted the clear stary night, adding on to the ethereal beauty of the land.
Lanterns covered every corner of Liyue, lighting up the streets, and illuminating the people passing by.
Cheerful laughter, blasting music, the sweet delicious aroma of delicacies and dishes.

Our senses were hyper-fixed by the beautiful array of the world around us.

Lantern Rite.

It was finally here.

*drip drop*

"I cant... I- I can't stop. It's just too good!"

"Paimon no! Stop crying on the food, yo-you'll hic ruin it!"

"You're crying too!"

"I knoooww!"

Aether walked over the the seat beside us, dramatically flipping his cape, before sitting down crossed-legged and eating his share of the grilled tigerfish he brought.

In truth, it was made the same as always, perhaps decorated a bit differently because of the holiday season, but nothing else was new about the fish on a stick.

The blonde just didn't want to ruin the fun his two friends were having.

Either way, He quite enjoyed the smiling faces of the two, perhaps one more than the other.

It wasn't very often they had calm moments like these. To just relax and enjoy each other's company in nice scenery.

So far it has been great.

They had met Madam Ping and Listened to her story of the history of this event.
They've also learned how to make Xiao lanterns, despite it taking a while to perfect.

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