a librarian. that's all.

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✧・゚:* (Y/n) pov・゚✧

The word....... Interesting would have to be what I'd use to describe the librarian.
Though, I know that is an understatement. a HUUUGGEEEEE understatement.

"You're going to help me out too? How kind of you."

'ahhh~ getting praise from a beautiful woman who's way above your league. nothing like it.'

I went to go hold my reddening cheeks, rubbing them as a smiled dreamily.

Aether's eyebrows furrowed, feeling some sort of disturbance in the... air.

"Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything."

Paimon decided to ask the purple dressed woman a question, "What kind of things does a librarian do?"

What an odd question. They read books and sell them right? Now, if Paimon asked what Lisa herself did in her free time, it may have been a different thing all together.

Lisa decided to humor Paimon, "Good question. Basically, things other than that which require brawn... or brains."

'......did she just call herself stupid?'

"So... what does that leave?"

The librarian simply smiled as she strutted to the domain entrance. This left Aether, Paimon and I confused as we just stood there watching.

Looking at one another we just shrugged and followed her in.

As with the other domains, we flew right through this one. Although it looked a bit more complex as it involved a lot of flying and puzzle solving to get through it.

However, no matter what we encountered, we easily worked through it.

We had finally made it to the end.

"Dragon of the East, Lion of the South, Wolf of the North, Falcon of the west..."

As she recited these words, Lisa had her arms crossed in contemplation.

"They are the four winds of Mondstadt, affiliated with Barbatos, the God of Anemo. The dragon of the East, Stormterror- its real name, is Dvalin."

This brought us surprise as we didn't know of Stormterror's true name till now.

"Though most in Mondstast seem to have forgotten that in all this "storm terror" business."

Tuning out the rest of the conversation, I thought back to what I had felt during the storm terror attack. When I heard the dragons cry, I heard a lot more than malice. Sadness and anger were present as well.

'Something must have happened for him to attack Mondstadt. What was it?'

"Hatred for Mondstadt."

I looked up to see the librarian looking at me with a knowing smile. She may have unknowingly answered my question, but with the look, she's giving me now, I believe she knows exactly what's going through my head.

'okay but.... she's looking at me... while smiling...' I clutched a fist to my heart and looked to the side in a shy manner. 'im so happy right now.'

"Hatred drove it to become something more powerful than the wind itself- to become storm terror."

Paimon interjected, "But why would one of the four winds hate the city it was supposed to protect?"

Lisa rose her arms in a shrugging manner as she spoke, "As a child of Mondstadt, it's something that's really hard to say aloud." Suddenly raising an arm forward to hand us something, she continued, "Here, take this. It's a very old story from more than a century ago."

I was the one to go and grab the book from Lisa's hands, but as I did, my fingers grazed hers. It wasn't even the other way around, yet I still blushed in embarrassment.

I didn't dare look up at her eyes, I could practically feel her amused stare.

Bowing my head in thanks, I walked back to Aether, who saw my red face. His face soured, but not enough to be noticeable. If I was looking at him, I surely would have noticed, but I instead was facing the ground in shame for not being suave at all during my exchange with the librarian.

And thus, completing this final domain, we finished our 3 assignments given to us by Jean.

Walking out of the temple was like a breath of fresh air. The sky was a lot clearer than before. The dark clouds had receded and the tornados that once threatened the city vanished.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Mrs. Long legs had left us awhile ago, so me, Paimon and Aether were just standing around infront of the domain we had just finished.

Looking out into the distance, we admired the look and feel of the land once it had been cleansed of Dvalins rage.

Though, that wouldnt be the term I should use, as this 'fight' is far from over

"Few, its finally done." Paimon was the first to have broken the silence. I mean, we all know Aether wouldn't have done it.

"Well, all that 'ley flow' and 'elemental lines' Stuff lisa was going on about should hopefully be back to normal."

After a bit more quiet time, i finally spoke up. "Do you guys wanna go back and make sure the knights havent dropped dead yet?"

Both companions noded as we headed off to Mondstadt.

That is till i was stopped by a hand on my wrist.

'Oh boy, here we go.'

Aether was the one who had stopped me. This was happening alot more, where he is starting touchy'er' than usual. 'Is that a word?'

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Noticing the contemplating look on the girls face, Aether assumed she must be busy with another one of her unnecesary thoughts.

Though, what he had to say couldnt wait.

"You know."

The (shorter/taller) girls head snapped in his direction.

Aether noticed this as well. Where whenever he spoke, (y/n) would immedietly have her full attention on him.
'Good' the blond boy thought.

Raising the hand that had the girls wrist, he tugged her towards him, getting her closer than she was before and able to hold her wrist near the side of his head.

"Im not sure you realize... but I should warn you that what you do with others can bother me at times (Y/n)."

Whispering into her ear to get his point across, Aether had pulled the girl closer, their body's flush against eachother.

"But thanks for giving me ideas at what to do to make you react the same for me."

He felt the dendro user shiver in his arms, and he took that as his sign to stop.

Letting go of her, Aether tapped her cheek once, pulling away and continuing to walk as if nothing happened.

A cheeky smile had appeared on the face of the person he left behind as she had thought of the event that had just transpired.


'Maybe I should tap it real quick-'

Shoving her rather intrusive thoughts away, she too followed behind the blonde on their way back to Mondstadt, giddy about the interaction, and mentally fangirling about the whole thing on the way there, never giving a second thought about his actions and what they would spell for the future.


✧・゚:* Word count: 1072・゚✧

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