Its Overflowing.

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Oh hi Mark, how are you?"

"Great......... wait, who are you-"

Not wasting any time, I slammed my foot to the ground, summoning various vines that sprouted underneath every fatui soldier.

Once they had all been disarmed, I ordered the floating fairy lights that surrounded them to ignite.

The small explosions joined together, dealing damage and giving them a dendro status.

From there, I let Aether take care of the rest.

Turning, we high-fived, tagging him in to finish the enemy off.

I walked towards Paimon.

"How did you know his name?" She asked curiously as we watched the blonde's massacre spree.

"I didn't."

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Walking over the corpses that lay in our path, we reached a small crate covered in what looked like Adeptus talismans.

Paimon had commented on the quantity that was there, and how these many talismans could mean big trouble in the future.

"Being able to channel divine power in battle... whew, that sounds pretty dangerous."

'Tell me about it.'

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I awkwardly smirked up at Paimon.

She noticed my facial expression and curled her lips in disgust. "Ew, why do you look like that."

Her cold tone made me reel back in surprise.

I didn't expect her to be so mean.

"Uncultured swine. Do it back."

Pausing for a few seconds, she continued to look down at me, only then delivering her answer.


Turning to Aether she continued. "And the plot thickens, we'll need to keep an eye on Childe, that's for sure."

I sighed, having been rejected on such an action.

'That hurt my soul Paimon. Not cool. Not cool.'

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Just as promised, we made our way to Dihua Marsh, where Zhongli stood waiting for us by a tree.

The slowly falling leaves that fell with the wind accentuated Zhongli's calm demeanor as he looked around.

Even his hair, which tousled in the soft breeze, seemed to glow as did his features.

I couldn't help but awe as we approached him.

"Hey z, were you waiting long?" I greeted casually as my other two companions followed closely behind.

His golden eyes locked onto mine as I spoke, softening once they saw we were the ones to approach.

"Ah, (Y/n), as well as Aether and Paimon. No, I arrived only moments ago. How was your time at the jade chamber?"

Spending time with this man was always calming. I could honestly listen to his voice for hours.

As I explained what had happened, he listened intently, making sure not to miss any word.

Paimon and Aether, decided to run off somewhere, waiting for my little summary to finish.

"...And she was just so pretty! I couldn't stop staring! Gorgeous people always make me nervous!"

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