The Bard

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✧・゚:* (Y/n) pov *:・゚✧




"stop screaming, were in a crowded space."



We have been running around and chasing down the green mystery man, Paimon and I were getting frustrated at the fact he kept dodging us.

The guy probably didnt even realize what he was doing to us.

My initial trip was averted thanks to my hero, Aether, who grabbed my collar and tugged me up before i even hit the ground.
Saved me from embarressment.

"OH! Paimon thinks he went into the pavillion with the Barbatos statue!!"

I nodded at her words and ran up the stairs which led to the pavillion, both companions close behind.

She was correct, once we made it up the stairs that led to the pavillion, we saw a crowd forming in front of the towering statue.

From withing the crowd, the sound of  Lyre could be heard.

It was some sort of performance, and ill bet my entire toy duck collection that its the green guy we were chasing.

'Ah... maybe i shouldnt bet that... too important...'

I could see the same shade of green that the male had on, within that crowd.

Panting and sputtering, we took a small break in order to catch our breathes. Although Aether was alright, Paimon and I were struggling.

"*huff* wh- why are *cough* you tired??"

"Hahh- because *huff* of running- *huff* so much..."

"But, you don't *cough* run, you float."

She ignored me and continued to breathe heavily.

We listened to the music from afar, hearing through the quiet crowd. The melody was quite beautiful. It was enjoyable to say the least.

We cooled down enough to walk through the crowd in order to get through. Saying small 'excuse me's and 'pardons' we reached the front. There, we saw our previous target.

With his song, a story was being told.
One that was increadibly familiar. Piecing everything together, i managed to deduce that the story might be Storm terror's. It was the only answer i could come up with, but i'd have to ask about it later.

Just how did this Bard know such a detailed story?

After his performance, the crowd around us dispersed. All walking away and going about their daily lives.

It was then that the green fellow finally noticed us.

"Wait" he began "you guys are..."

He thought for a moment, then continued. "Oh, thats right! You're the ones that scared Dvalin away!"

'Dvalin? If he really does remember us, and considering how exactly we 'met' would that mean that the dragons name is Dvalin?'

Paimon however, didnt reach the same conclusion as i did. "Dvalin? Whos that?"

I decided to help her out a bit, "I think that Dvalin would be Stormterrors true name."

"Huh?... oh right!" She exclaimed in realization, "most people seem to call him 'Stormterror.'"

She turned to the bard with a questioning look, "Why do you call him that? Are you two close or something?"

The Bard put his hands on his hips. He  featured a mysterious closed eye smile. "Oh, so close..."

"Hey umm, (Y/n), Aether, Paimon thinks this guy has a screw loose."

I snorted at the girls proclamation, trying to supress the laughter that bubbled within me.

Aether turned to the stranger with a cautious look, "Im sorry, " he spoke, "you are...?"

The green fellow realized that hes never introduce himself to us. I was really intrested as too who he is, so i listened closely to his next words.

"Im Venti the Bard! Three time winner of the 'Most popular bard in Mondstadt' to be precise."

"Woah! Thats so cool!! You must be a really big deal then!" Praising the boy in excitement, a red tint had made its way onto his feature. The smile on his face grew Brighter as he looked in my direction.

"Aww, thanks" he scratched his head in embarressment. 'Adorable'

"So..." fixing his posture he stepped back in order to get a good look at all of us. "What do you need from me?"

Paimon took the initiative of answering his question for us. I was grateful for that as i had felt rather embarressed for praising the bard in such a manner.

"Given you recognize us, Paimon doesnt believe we need to explain any further... Of course its about Stormterror."

Venti looked genuinely confused by Paimon statement, "Storm...?"

"Hey! Cut it with the amnesia act" She turned to our quiet blond team mate. "Aether, show it to him."

Nodding, Aether took out the crystal from his pack and presented it in front of us all.

But.... it was different.

"Oh, isnt this..." Venti didnt have the chance to finish his sentance

"What!?!? Paimon screeched in surprise, "The crystal had been purified!??"

I was just as confused as her, "What happened to it? It was red, right? Am i going color blind?? Paimon, what did you do?"

"I didnt do anything! Why would you think that?"

"I dont know, maybe you ate the color red like Marceline from Adventure time!!"

"Who is- Whats adv- WHY WOULD YOU THINK ID DO THAT!?!?!"

The other two, Venti and Aether watched our squable, that was till Aether input his own confusion. "The last time i checked, it was full of impurities."

Paimon and I both quieted down once we heard him, so Venti took the chance to make his words heard as well. "Dvalin, he... the anguish he feels... its brought him to tears..."

A sad look crossed his face. Rightfully so. If his words were true, then the crytal that Aether held, was made by negative feelings.


Paimons question cause Venti to act. He reached into his pocket and brought out his own Red crystal.

Almost a carbon copy of the one we held, but before, when it still contained impurities.

"He was once such a gentle child, now so full of rage and suffering."
He offered the crystal in his hand too Aether. "I also came across a Teardrop crystal. Can you purify it?"

Paimon and I leaned towards Aether who extended his hand to the crystal before him. He looked at it with an intense and focused look.

Before our eyes, the crystal began to glow brighter and float higher.

Venti who was watching as well leaned back in surprise.

Moments of anticipation passed, as the crystal which glowed a brilliant red turned into a vibrant blue.

Once it finished, Aether clutxhed the crystal in his hand and looked up at all of us who were watching in awe.


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✧・゚:* Word Count: 1105*:・゚✧

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