♡ Vulnerability

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Ugh... never again... Am I even getting closer to the city? Where exactly am I?"

Liyue's Alleyways were harder to navigate than anything that I've encountered before.

Oh to be defeated by terrible navigation skills.

Where was a cute, orange-haired, bikini-wearing pirate when you need one?

At this point, I was relying on my sense of smell trying to sniff out the street food of Lantern rites festivities.

No such luck.

My bottom hit a wooden crate quickly, already having given up on returning to where I was before entering this maze of a city street.

"I just want some mora meat...."

"How pitiful you are in this state."

An angry red vein appeared on my forehead, bulging once I heard such an insulting comment.

Since I didn't get the chance to pummel Kaeya before he left, This could be the perfect time to let off some steam.

"You've got a death wish you jer- uh-"

When I lifted my head, there was no one in the direction I had thought the voice came from.

All there was, was an empty dull wall.

My two brain cells began to fight against each other, trying to make sense of what was happening.

Until my sense was overwhelmed by the smell of something sweet.

"You left yourself defenseless, (L/n)."

The now-familiar voice tickled my ear at its proximity.

The feel of their warm chest pressing against my back made my eyes droop, a shiver running down my spine, through my whole body at once.

I couldn't help but swallow thickly.

Having been subjected to the hair-raising notion of someone right behind me, my heart began to palpitate irregularly, my eyes darting to see behind me without turning.

"Xiao..." I had practically breathed out shakily.

My hands moved to rest over my lap, clutching into themselves as I felt the male's arm resting against the wall beside my head.


He hummed deeply, the sound echoing in my ears as I felt a warmth pool at the pit of my stomach.

My entire body felt hot.... as if it was... aching.

All the senses in my body were set to overdrive, a likely sign that I would probably overheat and faint soon.

But I didn't... want that to happen... especially, at a time like this.

And yet...

"Is that... almond tofu?"


He brought his relaxed hand up to his mouth, shoving a spoonful of almond tofu into it before placing it back down onto the plate with a clink.





My head fell back down in despair....

"That could have been so hot...."

"...? *nom* *nom*"

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