A Childe (flashback chap)

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woooaahhhh flashback chapter


✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧


2 months into my new life... actually... what life? I didn't have one.

Being the brave, tough, and ambitious girl that I am, I had decided to leave my 'home' in hopes of carry on my father's research.

Finally, it was my time to go out into this world and explore! Be the strongest adventurer out there and learn the secrets of the world!!!


So. I may or may not be running for my life right about now. I mean, how was I supposed to know that the rock I stepped on was a Geovishap hatchling???

It's been awhile since I last came to Liyue. A Loonngg while, but did I really forget how dangerous it could be??? Maybe...

I was so close to the Harbor, I could practically see the glowing lights of the city from beyond the hills that stood before me.

Instead of, you know, fighting the damn thing, I turned tail and ran. Mainly because I was reading while walking again and I was caught off guard.

I have to stop doing that.

But also because I didn't feel like wasting my powers on something like this, it was beneath me.



Holding the straps of my adventurers pack tightly, all the while having my book under my arm, I ran as fast as I could to the gates of Liyue, in hopes of reaching safety beyond the bridge.

"HAHA! Haha...!"

My legs burned. I never liked running, I mean who likes running?? no one.

"Goodbye, cruel world" I pressed my hands together in a praying motion, my legs pumping against the floor as if they would hive out at any moment. "goodbye good food, goodbye music, goodbye to all my imaginary boyfrie-"

"Hey girlie, try and hold still for me?"

Someone had RUDELY, interrupted my farewells.

The sound of a bow snapping followed shortly after a breeze passed by me indicating how close the arrow was to my face.

I paled considerably but hearing the cry of the geovishap, I saw what the mystery man was doing.

Doing as the voice said I stopped running immediately. Two more arrows whizzed past me, hitting their target.

With a flash of blue, the man too ran past me.
Completely in awe, I stood there as I watched him fight off the geovishap, slicing at many angles and doing a massive amount of damage.

The way he fought and dodged all the attacks coming from the monster showed how he had years of training under his belt. Ive been around long enough to know that he must have trained for years to be this good.

It was quite inspiring. Not enough to make me lift a finger, no, but inspiring non-the-less.

He finished it off in 3 seconds.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

As his cape blew in the wind, the orange-haired man stood as he watched the enemy before him disappear. A small yet sinister smile crept onto his face.

His eyes darkened. It had been a while since he had the chance to battle anything and the first creature he fought was a weak monster that died easily? he was more than displeased.

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