Herbal Tea (Flashback Chap)

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

*About 62 years ago, present time*

"Im home!"


Soft shuffling could be heard as an old man reached the living room of the small house.

Inside, a girl with dull (h/c) hair laid on the ground almost lifelessly. Books were scattered around, as well as various empty plates.

The room was a mess, and so was the girl situated there.

Walking in, the man set down a bag near the girl, making the subtle noise that it was there.

"Helllooo? Are you alive? Don't tell me you've died, not with this amazing tea I've just bought."

Grabbing the contents of the bad, The old man held the jar of tea leaves to the side of his face, a big wide grin adorning his face as he showed it off.

The girl didn't respond.

Quieting down, he placed the jar down on the table, reaching for the other contents of the bag.

"I also brought Sakura Mochi."

It took a few moments before she reacted, but by placing a palm to the ground and lifting herself, (y/n) showed her interest in the small treat with nothing more than actions.

Making a grabby motion, she motioned the need for the pastry in which the old man complied, giving it to her with no problem.

She munched on it quietly.

"What do you want Iroh."
Once she swallowed the mochi in her mouth, she rather bluntly asked without hesitation.

Iroh was already used to the girl's uptight attitude and thought nothing of her tone.

"Oh my, you remind me so much of my nephew. Im sure your fiery characters would have made great friends."

Finishing up the tea, he served two cups, placing down the porcelain items with a clink.

He kneeled, sitting on the opposite end of the table, ready to relax and enjoy his tea.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

It had been a hot minute since I last met this man out in the woods.
I was walking around, trying to find someplace to go, when I met him, walking on a dirt path.

I don't know how he knew, but he could tell I was in desperate need of help.

Back then, he was clocking 27. How... how old is he now again?

I went to reach a hand for one of my notebooks before Iroh stopped me.

"Im 86. But don't judge this old man, haha!"

His happy-go-lucky tone didn't help my thoughts at all.

The way he answered my inner question was unsettling as well.

'I met him at 27... how could he already be 86!?'

Tears welled up in my dull (e/c) eyes.

It happened again. Time goes on way too quickly. And here I am, holed up in this small house, refusing to go out to see the rest of the world.

Why was I still doing this again? Oh yeah, cause this old fart won't let me off myself.

"I see you may have been relying a little too much on your notebooks for information. Though, it is good that your keeping track of the time you've spent here."

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