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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Reuniting with my friends, I was still a bit salty about their sudden entrance, AND ruining my experience with Venti.

Of course I wasn't really mad, but still...

'Like c'mon guys, first of all Paimon, your sapposed to be my wing-girl and Aether.... j-just why!'

I was internally crying as we all stood before Venti , who was facing the humongous tree of Windrise.

He had stood up as soon as he saw my friends coming in the distance.

Much faster than my reaction time when I first noticed their presence.

"The wind amongst the branches feels good, I love the way it smells..."

As Venti gawked up at the tree, I began to wonder what would have occured if Paimon and Aether didn't show up when they did.

I tried my best to pay attention yo Venti's next words, but it was hard when Aether had an arm resting on my shoulder.

Again, Aether why.

"Hehe, i said the exact same thing as last time. Why do I only say these things when im down on my luck..."

He was of course talking about his stolen Gnosis, but i couldn't help the feeling that there was another hidden meaning to those words.
I was embarresed to say that I may know what that hidden meaning was.

"So... what is a gnosis?" Feeling the arm on me get heavier, I heard Aether ask his own question.

"Ah, so you noticed.: Venti teasingly smiled. "This isn't something I'm meant to discuss with ordinary people but i suppose i can let you in on the secret."

From there, Venti explained all there was to know on the matter of the Gnosis.

Like what its purpose was, what it did, who uses it, so on, so forth.

He also explained its relation to Celestia, and how its basically an item that draws power from the skyward city.

When it came to the topic as to why it was stolen, I zoned out, having already known the reason. I was also not to fond of the idea of remembering that crazy ginge- oh well, guess I'm remembering him anyways....

"...Five hundred years ago I knew her well, but I cant say the same is true now." His somber tone rung as he remnisced of the past.

Five hundred years ago....


What happened five hundred years ago??? I forgot lol.

"You see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and after that, she cut off all ties with me... But we can save discussion of the Cryo Archon and the Fatui for another day."

Venti went on and on explaining all there was too know about the current situation.

Sad too say, I didn't care all that much. It wasnt like I HAVE to do something about it. All I wanted was to help Aether in his quest to find his sister. If we have to meet a crazy ice god, then thats when I'll step in.

"You should head to Mondsadts neighboring city, Liyue. The Geo archon who reigns there, unlike me, administrates his entire nation personally."

The way Venti spoke showed us that he, and the Geo archon must of been close.

"He only descends once every year to give his divine predictions, which set the direction of Liyue for the rest of that year."

Of course, Paimon took this as another oportunity to take a jab at the bard. "Even so, it sounds like he works much harder than a certain someone."

Bashfully rubbing his head, Venti let out a small laugh.

It was absolutely adorable and I could just feel my heart squeeze at that moment.

The anemo archon procceded to impart his advice on attending the rite of decension that would soon occur.

This sending Paimon into a small panic, worrying that we might miss this important event.

Assuring her that we would make it in time, Venti shared with us one final passage.

"Travelers, as you set off on your Journey once again, you muct remember that the journey itself has meaning. The birds of Teyvat, the songs and the cities, the Tsaritsa, her fatui and the monsters... they are all part of your journey."

Standing with pride, he continued.

"The destination is not everything. So before you reach the end, keep your eyes open. Use the chance to take in the world around you."

With his inspiring words, Venti let out a sigh of relief, relaxing his posture in the process.

"Whew, thats enough of the anemo archons admonishments. Back to Venti time~"

We all sweatdropped at the sudden change of tone. Almost forgot we were talking to a broke bard who would steal from Dilucs basement for wine.


Jumping towards us, Venti opened his arms up wide.

Falling onto us, he enveloped the group in a big ol' bearhug.

"I wish you luck on your Journey Travelers~ A bard doesnt stay in one place you know."

Backing away, but not letting go, we all saw his expression vivdly. A huge smile dawned on his face, eyes closed because of it.

Not wasting a beat, I wrapped my arms around him to reciprocate the hug, "Dont you worry Bluebird, we'll come back to visit~ So you dont stress, k?"


Hearing the sound of mild groaning, I could see Aether pout at the amount of physical contact.

Oh no, not from our hug, but from the hand that was pushing his face away from us.

Chopping Ventis hand to let go of Aethers cheek, I then snatched Paimon up to include in my hug with the bard.

It was a mess of saying goodbyes and some ugly crying(totally not from me and Venti).

"Alright alright alright. We all have places to be, lets say our final goodbyes before each of you cant let go of eachother."

With Paimons words, we wiped our tears away, and calmed down. Smiling , we began to walk away from each other in a serious manner.

"So long friend." I muttered softly as I walked away.

Singing a small tune in which I recognized, I tried my best to repress the laughter that bubbled up.

"Oh, Ill tell you all about it when I see you again."

Venti followed, "When I see you again."





I could just imagine the dissapointed faces of my friends, as they saw both Venti and I walking away from eachother, and screa- singing our hearts out.


✧・゚:* Word Count: 1082 *:・゚✧

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