Finally, an award

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"...and I just can't believe he did that- oh your ass looks good at this angle- It was so sudden he'll pay, he'll pay, he'll pay, he'll pay-"

Currently, I was being carried on Aether's shoulder.

He had to take me out of Northland bank like this because I was still too flustered to move.

"What is this shit. Enemies to lovers!? I mean... NO this is not that type of relationship right!?..... right.....?"

Aethers' grip on my thighs tightened.

I smirked a bit when he did. Oh yeah, I knew what I was doing. But it's only a little teasing.

Paimon who had been lazily floating beside us perked up when we reached our destination.

"Oh! We made it just in time! The Milelith are about to make their announcement."

Seeing the crowded gateway, we were ready to push our way through.

"Okay, let me down Aether," I ordered as I bopped his head a few times.

Before letting me down, he placed an arm under my ass, taking me off his shoulder and making me face him.

I let out an ungodly screech as I hid my face under my hands.

"B-bwa-bublle whatareyoudoing!"

The reason this made me so flustered, was the fact that it reminded me of the time we...

Oh dear.

Peering at him through my fingers I saw his face tilt forward, looking down as he held me.

The mischievous gleam in his eye made it hard to miss.

My hands pulled down to my mouth, waiting for something to happen, but...


My feet reached the ground as he let me go. My dreams of something romantic happening shattered.

"Letting you down. Wasn't that obvious?" He mumbled out. Though, one could clearly hear the teasing undertone behind it.

Walking past me, he ruffled my hair, going towards the crowd of people waiting for the announcement.



I raised a fist to him as a vein bulged on my forehead.

As I was getting ready to curse him out, I felt a weight on my head. Diverting my attention from the walking blonde.

"Hopeless. Truly hopeless." Paimon claimed as she twirled my hair around her fingers.

I glared at her.

Picking her up by the nape, I threw her away from me, promptly strutting towards Aether as I heard her distant screams fade away.

'I'll find her later.'

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

So the Milelith announcement was confusing.

I knew they tried to cover up Rex Lapis's death, and the cause behind it, but in like the middle of the speech, the man started spouting some sort of bible verse that made me zone out for the rest of the speech.

Paimon had returned back to us somewhere near the end, and from that point on she stuck to Aether like glue, glaring at me from behind him.

I didn't mind.

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