Side Quest! Hold onto Me (Part 1)

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Im telling you, she's speaking with god."

"(Y/n) no. It's probably an imaginary frien-"

"She knows some shit we don't."

"(Y/n) please..."

"♫♪I've been locked out of hheeaavveennn, ooOwooowOOOooOOow~♫♪"

My atrocious, disgusting and angelic voice sang out as I gazed at the sky dramatically.

We were doing our daily rounds of walking through Mondstadt, trying to find something to do with our lives until we spotted a random kid, hopping and screaming at the top of her lungs.

I thought she may have eaten something she wasn't supposed to... but luckily, she was just playing around.

"Listen, if she's eaten some brownies...... I need to know where she got them! It's best to ask before-"

"Ah! Good morning Travelers!"

Hearing the new voice behind us, we swiveled around to meet them.
Once we saw who it was...


"did you say physically gasp-"

Excitedly jumping into the bard's arms, he spun me around a few times before placing me back gently on the cement.

"Hello, my sweet damsel~"

After exchanging greetings, we asked the bard as to why he was here.

It seemed Miss Lisa had made a new contraption, one of which was sent off with Venti to test out its power, as well as what it did.

We looked at it curiously.

"It's called a Nirnama detector" Venti explained, "Lisa isn't able to use it herself, so im in charge of figuring it out!"

To test it out, we aimed the scope, towards the child we had been previously watching.

That sounded worse than it was supposed to.

Adjusting a few things on the mechanism, we finally got it to work. From the lens, we saw another, less visible girl playing with the loving one before us.

"Woah! So that's her imaginary friend!" Paimon awed in wonder.

We merely laughed at the small girl's reaction before deciding to test it out on others for our amusement.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"It's a plant."

"Oooh, so that's Flora's best friend. A bloaty floaty!"

"I know I of all people shouldn't say this but... It's a fucking plant." I deadpanned at Venti's words.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

I lurched back in surprise once I took in what exactly I was seeing in the Nirnama device.


Passing over the device to the others, I looked at the boy timmie in fear.

Whenever he wasn't there, I would always... kill his pigeons. It's not like it was illegal!

But I swear, he's seen me do it a few times.

If this is what he has going on in his head, I think im going to have to keep my distance from him for a while.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Well of course they wouldn't have Imaginary friends." I tsked in annoyance as I looked at the men sitting at the table beside Angels share.

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