Gary come home

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✧・゚:* (y/n) pov *:・゚✧

When Venti had pulled his little stunt of carrying me all the way to Diluc's manor, I never had the chance to actually enjoy how it looked.

Diluc had gathered us once again at Dawn Winery, having collected the information he needed from his 'informants.'

As the group talked, I took it upon myself to examine our surroundings.
Searching through the fields of beautifully grown fruits and other ingredients that were surely used to make the winery's famous drinks.

'Maybe after all this was settled, I could have Diluc show me a few of his secrets as to fermenting the herbs and harvest.'

It was a nice thought, to be able to share moments with the people I've met so far.... in this world at least...

"(Y/n)!! It's time to go!"

Appearing beside me, Paimon grabbed my sleeved and gently tugged to signal it was time to start our plan.

"Oh flip, already? Ah- I don't think im mentally prepared for this."

I clutched my head as my eyes swirled a bit.

"Hahahhaa~ silly (y/n)," Paimon giggled at my words, "you're never mentally prepared for anything."

I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Why do you hate me so, midget."

✧・゚:* Time skip *:・゚✧

"Sooooooo, this is the entrance to Storm terrors lair? It's veeerryyyy... Windy."

We had left the Winery, and to a ravine that was filled with monsters and ruin guards.

It was hard getting through them, as at every turn, a new batch of enemies seemed to appear out of thin air, just to be put to an end by our weapons.

Having the Acting Grandmaster of Mondstadt, along with a pompous, edgy, claymore wielding, rich dude, it was easy to get through each wave.

Though our little wind god did help us with his bow skills whenever we needed it, he was a great support to our team.

Anyways, after all that, we finally arrived at the dome of wind that blocked our path.

"It's a storm barrier!" Paimon exclaimed as we looked at the rapid winds. "It looks so dangerous."

I was tempted to tell her sarcastically how we already knew that since we have...well EYES... but I decided against it and kept quiet.

"Leave it to me," Venti confidently spoke, "Although this wooden lyre is all I have, I don't need the lyre to break through this kind of storm barrier."

As he turned around to play his melody, Venti brought the lyre against him. Though I couldn't see his fingers and the lyre itself, I could hear the beautiful notes he strummed as he fiddled with the strings.

It sounded truly magical.

'hahaaaaa... I thought I escaped my simping...'

Right before our eyes, A green glow littered around the dome, and with the final strum, the wind barrier dispersed in an instance.

'though he says he's the weakest of the seven gods, that was no small feat. Even washed up ol' Venti can hold a tune.'

Dusting ourselves off, we congratulated Venti on his performance, Thanking him for safe passage into the lair.

"It actually opened! You're not entirely useless, Tone-Deaf Bard!"

I recoiled at Paimon's words. "Look who's talking."

We continued on our way when we were stopped by yet another obstacle.

"It's stuck." I heard Paimon's voice from beside me.

"iT's sTucK." 

My mouth opened a little, as I put a dramatic hand to my chest. Venti had mocked Paimon, and I guess he had also been over her obvious remarks about our situations.

I wondered what the white-haired girl would do. There was a prominent vein that bulged on her forehead, yet she suppressed whatever she was going to say, and continued with her next lines.

Finding a solution to our problem, we decided to go around and to a wind current that would lead us upward.

"Let's make a detour then," Paimon spoke with enthusiasm. "Heading up!"

"lEt'S mAkE a DetOUr tHeN. HeAdiNg Up!"


✧・゚:* smol time skip *:・゚✧

Fighting, weaving, dodging, jumping, and all of the above, we finally made it to the top of Stormterror's tower.

"*heave* h-howw *wheeze* are you all not *huff* tired??"

Paimon and I both had our hands on our knees, hunched over, trying to get as much air as we could.

"We didn't even run all the way up here..." I heard Jean worry as she pats my back. "How are you this tired?"

"STAIRS! THEY'RE THE BANE OF MY EXISTANCE!!" After I yelled that, I immediately regretted it as I needed to intake even more air.

"whew, Paimon's so tired..."

I glared at the child from behind my hair. "You*sigh* float."

"Still tiring." she defended as her cheeks puffed cutely.

The men of the group stood in front of us. Worry clouded their eyes as they stared at us, but they didn't dare go near as Jean had told them to stand back in order to give us some air.

'Jean is such wifey material. Don't mind if I take her hand in mar-'

"Thank's Jean, but I'm fine," I reassured her with a small smile, shoving my thoughts away into the depths of my mind. 

I swore a tint of red crossed her cheeks when I looked up at her, but I dismissed the possibility. 

Feeling a tug to my arm, I looked to my other side and saw Aether. 

Though his face was blank, I could always tell when he was feeling certain things. Wouldn't you know it, he looked pretty displeased right now.

I questioned his behavior with a raised eyebrow, but he only stared back in silence.

Straightening my posture, I brushed off his actions and looked to Venti, trying my best to ignore Aether's hand on my wrist.

Having all of our attention, Venti explained to us how we needed to activate ancient seals in order to open the gateway to Dvalins true location.

There were three of them to be exact, and they were called light actuator's as per Diluc's knowledge.

We had to find them and start them if we wanted to enter the 'ancient city.' 

"All right then, let's go start these thing-a-ma-jigs and get rolling!"

Everyone's stiff moods seemed to lighten at my words, which I was glad about. Couldn't have our group heading into battle with sour moods.

Running to the ledge of the tall tower, I wasted no time in jumping out, Aether and Paimon close behind me as we were the ones chosen to be sent.

"oh right, I have to activate my glider... bummer...."

- - - 

✧・゚:* Word Count: 1096 *:・゚✧

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