...well, I'm nobody too!

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Everything was slowly coming together in a turmoil of confusion and farfetched details. With the knowledge Dainsleif possessed, we were able to piece together most of what we've talked about. Though it wasn't all entirely believable, or well-founded, it wasn't like we were able to know more than we already did at that second.

To learn more, we would have to dig into the history of teyvat altogether. That or I could just get my two brain cells to move enough to remember more.

On that subject, it was still a blank period in my mind.


"...I understand."

Nah, I don't think he did really.
Or maybe that was just me.

"When you awoke at that time and hurriedly tried to leave for another world, you didn't know anything about Khaenri'ah.

But now, since you have come to gain some understanding of Teyvat, you are able to guess that the war you witnessed all those years ago must be the war that ended Khaenri'ah... Am I right?"

So that's what Aether has gained during our travels. Well, at least it was something.

Paimon was quick to come to a realization, pondering and concluding that this was surely the reason Aether would always flip through all sorts of books during our adventure these past few months.

Honestly, I've barely ever seen Aether read. Maybe once or twice, but not often.
Has he been reading my books behind my back?

Is that why he made a joke about Mean Girls the other day!?

I should have known. No one would quote something about Dani Devito in this world... Why didn't I question it again?

Oh yeah, cause he distracted me with a distorted drawing of Peppa pig that had me dying for hours.


"So the whole time you were just trying to learn more about Khaenri'ah so you could find your sister?"

A tactful move. If our search of the seven gods left us with no leads, then a backup plan would prove to be useful.
It was just like Aether to plan ahead. That's my golden boy!

"It's the most promising lead after looking for the seven," he mumbled quietly, still half in thought, and half immersed in our conversation.
"Despite only having a place name to go on. I've even asked (y/n) about it several times before."

His eyes clearly shifted towards me, a curious hint in his eyes.

Not gonna lie.

Didn't.... Remember him ever asking me about that...


Aether quickly looked away right after I had that thought. It was like he was only looking for my reaction on the subject, and once he got it, he went back to that far-off expression of his.

Honestly, was there ever a thought behind those eyes?
Other than finding his sister of course.

"Oh yeah!" Paimon exclaimed, "you can travel around the seven nations to find the seven, but where can you go to find a nation that was destroyed 500 years ago...?" Good question. And it would most likely be met with a vague answer that would still not give us a clue as to where it is, and bring up more questions.

"I probably know more about Khaenri'ah than both of you."

Called it.

"Khaenri'ah was a nation without a god - not because it had a god that dies or abandoned them, but because it never had a god, to begin with.
It was a powerful nation built purely by humans, an unprecedented flourishing and glorious nation. It was the pride of humankind."

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