Side Quest! MORE EYELINER! (Part 2)

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Smooth~ like~ butter~ like a criminal undercover, yeah dun dun dun dunananan for-got the rest- of the words- oh yeah- BREAK IT DOWN!"

"-This is the price to pay for eons of endless slaughter... But I have come to accept it.... In recent years, other living beings have suffered... When the burden should be mine alone to bear.. I must reflect on this..."

"Side-step right-left to my beat~ dunun an- rock with me.~"

Slaughtering this, karma that, ahh murder~

All these heavy burdens were weighing down on the poor little Adeptus but what did the (h/c)-haired woman think of all this?

"-pull you in like no other~ don't need no usher dununun na na bad."

She sympathized with him so much.

It was heartwrenching.

Acknowledging the group's prowess, Xiao had invited them in helping him perform this ritual of his.

It would supposedly relieve an area of his karmic debt, which had been overflowing these following years.

"You must remain calm, do not allow yourself to be affected by the lingering wrath of bygone gods."

Xiao pointedly glared at the dancing girl, as if she was the one his words were directed to.

In the male's mind, it's not as if he was worried about her, no...

One side of him didn't think a girl like her would experience negative emotions easily.

But the other... held a small, tiny, almost microscopic smidgen of fear.


Well... this 'girl' was still a divine being.

It would be catastrophic.
If there was even a chance of her being affected by his karmic debt, he would have to...

"High! Like the moon! Rock with me! Babyyy~"

....yeah, he didn't have to worry too much.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

I could hardly breathe...

The weight that was being placed on me was almost too much... I didn't realize Xiaos Karma would be so heavy...

"Get it, let it- Rooolll~"

This was the least I could do to feel somewhat alleviated from this intense air... guess my side of those "divine powers" didn't come with an emo gas filter.


Rip to those Slimes over there.

Electro shuffling to some hilichurls, I waved to them in all their 'black air force energy' glory.

And they were quite literally emitting it.

Twirling a few times, I stopped suddenly.

"Making you fall like that uhuh Break it down!" I shot some finger guns at the group and proceeded to moonwalk out of there.




Rip to those hilichurls too.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"There is no Adeptus that goes by the name Starsnatcher."

"YOU SEE!? I KNEW IT! I'm so smart~ I deserve a sticker."

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