Wooooowwww.......This is awkward.

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✧・゚:* (Y/n) pov・゚✧

"I can't. Hot girls. Hot guys. Im really getting the best of both worlds Ms.Montana."

I swear, first introductions always go wrong.

After rising from the floor, since I fainted for like 3 seconds, the first words spoken were not the best to start out with.

Thankfully the red-headed stranger didn't read too much into my words since it appeared he didn't hear me.

To be honest, I'd repeat myself, but the tension was really, and I mean REALLY thick between Kaeya and the mystery man.

"Knights of Favonious... always so insufficient."


...hadn't realized it, but Kaeya had begun to clap for the stranger.
He really loves clapping... doesnt he?

Looking at the bluenette in curiosity, I wondered what he would say to the redhead's slander on the knights.

"Agree to disagree, But your involvement in this has made things a lot more interesting." Kaeya retorted with a serious expression.

'Nice Kaeya, get him.' Where was my bag of popcorn when I need it?? Is it so wrong of me to want to instigate this little spat? I mean, come on. It would be fun to see it.

The silence was so loud as the two men stared at each other with heated glares. It was here I realized how out of place I was.

I shifted nervously in place, this causing a small rock beneath my shoe to make a noise.

It would have been unnoticeable had it not been for the deafening silence.

Both men turned to me.

'No, wait, don't look at me! Actually please do- er uh I mean, shi- I gotta escape somehow. Aether why, why did I stay behind, someone save me plea-'

I began to sweat as both pairs of eyes were on me. I didn't know if I should move or not. I didn't know if I could breathe in this situation.
Never mind, I was holding my breath anyways.

"My bad." I swung my arms from side to side while looking around the room. This was fun at first, but THEY were the ones putting me in this awkward situation.

*long silence.*

'Im going to off myself.'

Kaeya deadpanned at my words while the Pyro user looked straight up confused. Another painful silence enveloped the room as I teetered side to side.

After another moment or two, I guess Kaeya had a brilliant idea seeing as how he walked over to me in long strides.

'Oh? Are you approaching me?-'

Putting his arms around my waist, and pressing a chin atop my head, Kaeya twirled around to face the stranger once more.


"Oh shes just adorable isnt she? I should introduce you two, seeing as how your both already here." I could just hear the smile in his voice.

"Snowflake this is Diluc, say hi!"

'So not only is he talking to me like a baby, he's already given me a pet name.'

Now that I'd learned the name of the mystery man, I sent him a little wave and nervous smile, trying to pry Kaeya's arms off of me.
It wasn't working, his grip was too strong.

The sudden mood changes that were going on started to make me feel dizzy.

Diluc looked at the two of us, then looked directly at me, seeing the signs of distress I was throwing his way.
He didn't do much but stare.

I began to get uncomfortable with how all of this was going.


"Alright, you know what?"

Before anyone had time to react, I activated my power.

This caused a barrier of thick vines and tree branches to erupt from the ground and separate Kaeya from me by growing in the space between us.

Small lights began to emit from my tree branches, something that always happened whenever I used my power. It made my fighting look ethereal in a way though, so I never complained. A plus was a plus.

The two men stared as I peeked up at them. All I did was shove Kaeya away.

"Listen, I don't get what's going on between the two of you, but I'm going to ask you nicely to figure this all out when I'm not around. Diluc, it was a pleasure meeting you. Im going to leave now soooo, bye."

Deactivating my vision, I slowly returned the branches to the ground below. The fairy lights also disappeared along with them as they slowly faded away.

I turned around to walk away, giving Kaeya a swift nod and smile for the talk about my dad. Hey, I respected him for knowing who my dad was.


One thing the girl didn't notice as she walked away was Diluc's wide-eyed stare.

His mouth was semi-opened, eyes reflecting what he had just witnessed. Then, they narrowed, curious as to who it was he just saw.

Though the two brothers were polar opposites in most aspects, they were similar when dealing with a newfound power, questioning whether the one that wielded this power was an enemy or an ally.

Though... curiosity could never be bound by a single reason. Interest would always linger in those who wanted to know more.

✧・゚:* time skip *:・゚✧

I held on tightly to a piece of Aethers cape as we walked to the final temple we were assigned.

The first thing I did after leaving the second temple was go to Aether and glomp onto his figure for about 10 minutes.

He and Paimon decided not to ask what happened and just began walking with me still hanging off half his body.

Halfway there, I removed myself and began walking behind him while holding onto his cape.

"It was so awkward."

Finally deciding to reveal what happened, Aether and Paimon listened intently to my dramatic retelling of the events which occurred inside the temple.

"-And then some hot redhead came along, and Kaeya began to smother me out of nowhere. I panicked cause like..... WHO WOULDNT!?!?? especially if it was that hot mess hugging you. Am I right?"

Paimon nodded vigourosly as Aether boredly looked at the sky.

"So then, I panicked a Lil- not a lot, just a small bit, and I used my vision to escape. Then, I just strutted out of there."

"With sass or class?"


Paimon closed her eyes. "Good."

While chatting, we finally arrived at the last temple. In front of the doors, we were to go through, stood the epitome of beauty.

'Oh archons, I think I'm gonna fai-

Before anything, Aether grabbed onto the front of my shirt and tugged forward a bit without looking me in the eyes.

Not gonna lie, I was confused till I realized he was catching me before I even had the chance to fall.

"Hey cuties"

'Is the floor getting closer?'

I didn't fall.
I knew for a fact Aether was probably done with my BS of fainting whenever I was 200 meters from a beautiful woman.

'He's just jealous i've never fainted because of him.'

And thus, our final temple at last.


✧・゚:* Word count: 1039 *:・゚✧

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