Someone from the past.

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

I recognized the domain we worked through as the same one we explored with Amber when we first arrived here in the city of wind.

Knowing this, it was far easier to get through, as the routes were already in our minds.

Sadly, we didn't get to come across this 'Abyss Herald' so our trip was basically all for nothing.

"Where is herald!? And why is he so biased!?!?!?!?"

The Abyss mage I held in my hands didn't answer as I shook him Violently.

Alright, maybe him being passed out was the reason for it, but it's rude to ignore people.

"Tch, it looks like the Abyss Herald already left... nothing but the Abyss mages are left."

My breath hitched as I allowed the abyss mage in my hands to drop to the ground.

Facing away from Dain, I started to smile widely, clutching my cheeks in embarrassment.
'If he sounds this hot when he's annoyed, then imagine when he's angry!!!-'

The hand that held my cheek quickly let go, impacting harshly again as I smacked myself back to reality.

I assumed I had gathered attention when I did this, so just as quickly, I picked up the abyss mage and began to smack him several times, over and over.


✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

'I saw all of that.' Aether deadpanned as he watched the girl smack the helpless mage over and over again.

He almost felt bad for it too.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Oh yeah. I got beef with the landlord here. Wonder if a surprise visit would make him happy."
Although her words seemed innocent, the expression she had was anything but.

Menacingly looking over to the broken arena, (y/n) laughed evilly at the thought of 'visiting' Andrius... for old time sake.

"...very happy.... hehehehhe-"

"Though I do not know what... 'beef' you're sharing with the wolf Boreas, please, refrain from provoking him, as we have separate matters to take care of.

Looking over his shoulder, Dainsleif analyzed my form with his one cool blue eye, occasionally flicking his iris to different parts.

(Y/n) glared back at him suspiciously in return.

Sensing the tension in the air, Aether quickly interjected, asking Dainsleif whether he knew the Wolf himself as he speaks as he knows personally who Boreas was.

"I do not know him. Simply, a former traveling partner of mine is the reason why I know of such things. She was rather interested in its story."

Once again, giving a shallow answer, the three were left to try and fill in the blanks themselves.

(Y/n) had been keeping a mental tab of the things Dainsleif has been saying, working through it in her head as she did.

She knew she didn't know anything about this man, and that she shouldn't assume many things about him.
But the constant unease he brought her was frightening.

It was like Kaeya all over again.

Huffing as Dainsleif continued to explain his plan on tracking down the Abyss Herald, the (h/c)-haired girl tapped her finger nervously against her thigh.

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