Bethany, I made BISCUITS

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"It's 7 in the morning."

Childe looked at me blankly with the same mysterious smile as always.

I looked back with a pissed-off expression. Why? Cause it was 7 in the morning, and this prick decided to call us out here at this specific time.

Although Aether and Paimon looked refreshed as always, while I was sexily scoring my dark eyebags.

"I did warn you that-"

"It's SEVEN in the MORNING."

I quickly cut Childe off as he attempted to retort to my angry attitude.

Saying nothing, he simply placed a hand to my head and pat it a couple of times.

This man had a death wish.

He was fast to retract his arm as I went to smack it off and just whirled around, signaling our group to follow him.

Walking up beside me, Aether placed a firm hand on my shoulder. My guess, he wanted to calm me down before I tried another Beyblade claymore scene.


✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Walking into the restaurant, the group was greeted by a beautifully painted paper screen, as well as the fragrance of... ginger, cloves, and cinnamon tea?


The (h/c) haired girl let out a soft gasp just as Childe had rounded the paper screen, waving a small hello to the person we were meeting.

As Aether and Paimon were in front of her, (y/n) pushed them a bit to get a view of who exactly we were meeting.

Tea was among the girl's specialties, and if she remembered correctly as to who exactly liked this specific blend, then she was sure it had to be-


The brown-haired man in question raised a head as he finished to cool down his presumably piping hot tea.

Looking to whom called him, he was met with open wide arms, and a cheek to his own.

The hug wasn't unexpected, so Zhongli quickly stabilized the cup on his hand, placing it down gently as he wrapped his other arm around (y/n)'s waist.

"My, it's been a while, Ms.(l/n)"

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

How did I know Zhongli?

Well, when I and Childe went out sometimes during my 'welcome to Liyue' he would occasionally bring Zhongli to accompany us.

When we met, we had this weird connection. On my side, I felt attracted to him, though not in a romantic way.

It was like he and I shared something in common, so we rolled with it and became tea buddies.

I also occasionally went with him to his workspace whenever Childe had his Fatui Business going on, leading me to meet a few other interesting characters.

One, in particular, that I couldn't wait to see next.

"Aw man, I thought you got over that already. I told you to call me (Y/n), it makes me feel old whenever you call me Ms.(l/n), Shlongli."

Carefully unwrapping my arms from the man's figure, I stepped backward.

Zhongli merely chuckled at my words as he proceeds to pick up his glass once more. 

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