◇ Chalk isnt edible... however-

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

The trek up the mountain was one of the most endearing journeys I've ever had.

Sure, I've been to Dragonspine before, but never have I actually gone further up than ground level.

At least, that's what I remember.

Finding this Albedo person was beginning to be a huge pain, and I was mainly afraid for Paimons safety in all this.

The poor girl was shaking like a leaf and considering what had happened to her and signora, I would say she doesn't have many good experiences with the element of Cryo.

Other than that, We followed Rosaria(who we had come to learn the name of after several minutes of arguing with her) with little to no problem.

With the occasional hilichurl camps we encountered and defeated along the way, we finally made it to some sort of middle ground that seemed relatively quiet.

According to Rosaria, we would be able to find Albedo here.

"H-he better b-be here, or else."

"Do... you need to warm up?"

With a soft and kind voice, Aether had reached around his back and started to tug on his cape.

His concern for my well-being was sweet, but I wasn't going to allow him to strip himself of his only source of protection from this cold.

"No no... ill be fine. Just have to find a fire or something to heat r-right back up!"
Several sudden shivers went up my spine as if to scold me for declining the blonde's offer.
But I wasn't going to let that deter me.

"Quit dawdling. The alchemist should be somewhere around here."
Rosaria's sharp tone snapped us out of our little squabble in an instant.

I could see how annoyed she was by our interaction.
Probably because she would much rather spend her time elsewhere than to act as our escort.

Lazily saluting to the woman, I began to search around by eyesight for this scholar.
Paimon and Aether followed suit.

Walking around, Paimon had flown up to me and cupped a hand to my ear.
"She's so mean! Miss nun over there thinks she's better than us doesn't she!"

From this one complaint alone, I could tell the girl was still bothered about Rosaria's attitude when we first met her.

"Yea well, I wouldn't want to 'babysit' a few 'kids' in a cold desolate wasteland either.

Just leave her alone Pai, she probably has a reason for the way she acts...

Oh! And don't give her any nicknames."

I warned Paimon carefully with that final part.

The last thing we needed was for the rosy sister to be sporting an ugly nickname from the ugly nickname queen herself.

Then, shed really be pissed off.

Paimon harumphed once I finished and crossed her arms in an angered manner.

I concluded she had already been thinking of new names to give to the nun, so I had basically put a sock in all her plans.

With a tut, she floated away towards Aether, perhaps to tell him the same thing and get a different response than mine.

I think he'd give just about the same answer as me though.

"The combat medic who aided in the downfall of storm terror. Though id like to say it's an honor to meet you, I'd rather skip the formalities and be straightforward."

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