...Then.... What does that make her?

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"The first field tiller... And a missing statue... Well to me it's kinda obvious where this is heading."

"Ah. Mhm... yeah... Though... Uh... Traveler's, I still would very much like to know... Just... Why are you... In such a position?"

Barbara, the Deaconess of the Favonious Church stood astute and confuzzled.
We had come here for some answers, as per Dainsleifs order, that we ask for clues on the whereabouts of this first field tiller thingie.

Apparently, it came from Khaenriah, and it housed an energy source the abyss wanted to get its hands on that could power a mechanized God.

Yeah, that's right, a fucking, Robo-mecha type GOD!

If the abyss ever managed to do that, a machine of such caliber, I sure as hell want to pilot it.

But back to Barbara's question.

"Well you see here hun, SOMEBODY decided it was a good idea to ignore me for more than 10 minutes. And I didn't agree with that you see. So I, I did what any good summaritin would do in this situation aannndd-"

Patting the top of Aether's head, I started to play with the few tufts that strayed from his braid, either making them into cat ears or brushing them out with my fingers.

"-I jumped on his back."

Smiling mischievously I squeezed my legs, which I had wrapped around his torso, and pinched the boy's cheeks.

No reaction came from him as I did this, so I continued to pester him with no remorse.

In actuality, that no reaction bit left me with a feeling of unease. He's been so dismissive of me ever since we learned about the fate of Khaenri'ah.

Did he not trust me? Like at all now? At first, he didn't trust me, only with mora. After the little incident a few months back, he's never let me near a bag ever since.

But now... in general?

How.... Can I gain it back?

So anyways-

"Just when did you get these CHUBBY CHEEKS!?!??!" I laughed, kneading his soft flesh with my fingers.
But there was no twitch of the muscle to be found.
No action to stop me or to tell me off.
Not even an expression or wink of emotion came from his eyes.

Oh yeah.

I've screwed up.

"Ah... Right!.... Right..." Barbara was trying to stay calm and cheerful, but it was obvious that she noticed the tension between our little group.
Well moreso between me and Aether, Paimon was happily munching on a piece of Fowl this very moment.

Food on food crime.

Cannibalism at its finest.

"As long as what I've said can be of use to you, I'm glad. I'm so happy you were able to visit (Y/n)! You as well Paimon and Aether."
The girl fumbled a bit with her fingers, occasionally twisting them and rubbing her thumbs against each other.

A trait I have noticed in her before, along with her tendency to stand on her tiptoes when she's nervous or in thought.

"Hmm" I hummed graciously, my fingers never ceasing their attack on the Blond boy's head. "Thank you anyways, Barbara. It was nice to see you again, all things considered."

Joyfully handing out a grateful smile, it soon faded when the new voice of someone else had entered the fray.
And a rather chilling one at that, I would say. Winking at a nonexistent camera.

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