Drift Away (Flashback Chap)

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Shuffling under my large blankets, I tried my best to escape the sunlight that leaked through my semi-opened dark curtains.

Maybe I had forgotten to close them fully last night, as I usually had them closed to avoid being awake by the early morning sun.

Of course, it was too soon for my brain to begin functioning properly, so instead of thinking about it, I snuggled further into my bed, hugging my pillow closer to my chest.

It was way too early to wake up, even though I didn't know the exact time.

I hugged my pillow tightly as I had found the perfect position to keep on dreaming, My legs wrapping around the lumpy thing as I slowly fell asleep once again.

The serene atmosphere of my bedroom.

My warm body against the cool covers.

The smell of freshly made breakfast, and ocean breeze.

It was all so comforting.

Even the soft head of hair caressed in my palm, as I drifted off to sleep.

Yeah... this was all perfect.





Slowly opening my eyes, I tilted my head downwards.
Once I did, I was met with a pair of ocean blue eyes gazing into mine.

I cool chill filled the room as I slowly realized what was going on.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Childe did nothing but offer a closed-eyed smile, a weight on my waist, which I hadn't felt before, growing heavier.
"You were the one who pulled me in here, Ojou~chan."

I wanted nothing more than to jump out my window, right then and there.

Moving my hand to his arm, which encased my waist, I ripped it off of me as quick as lightning, pushing him away in the process.

"Get out."
I stated strictly as I curled myself further into my duvet, hiding my red-tinted face from the psychotic male.

Hearing him chuckle, the clink of silverware could be heard as he fiddled with a tray on the side table of my bed.

"As much as id love-" he says sarcastically with a lazy grin, "to get back to my work, you've already taken up an hour of my time. And I plan on collecting every one of those lost seco-"

Sitting straight up, I exasperatingly looked at the ginger in disbelief, uncaring of my lazy appearance.

'Was I hugging him in my sleep for a whole hour!?"

A shiver rolled through my body as I ran a hand through my hair.

'Thank you so much, Asleep me!'

"Yes!~" he answered happily, a flowery aura bouncing around him.

Bringing my attention to the tray in his hands, I noticed a plate of food on it.
It was of grilled trout, topped with mixed homefries and a sunny side egg.
Parsely and lemon garnished the dish beautifully, emitting a delicious smell that would bring any person running.

I blankly stared at the well-made dish with dull eyes.

"It's poisoned."

"No, it's not!" Tartaglia defended offendedly.

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