Aftermath, a sequel!

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Don't make me stand please."


"hahaha, you're right. I am fine."
I lifted my hand to my chin, resting it between my thumb and pointer.

I winked off in a random direction.


I could feel several punches land onto my head, but since they were done by small squishy fists, I barely felt a thing.

"The ominous aura of that monster has indeed begun to fade."

Moon Carver's voice rumbled as he looked towards the aftermath of the explosion near Guyun.

I was still on his back, hanging off upside down as my back laid on his.

That meant my view of the world was upside down as well.

A fair amount of smoke arose from the ocean, ensuring us that Osial had indeed met his end with that last attack.

Currently, we were all standing on the docks of Liyue Harbor, waiting for our next course of action.

"The effects of the sigil of permission last but a short time." Moon carver continued, "it will be some time before the Overlord of the Vortex can make any waves again."

"Damn..." I thought aloud, "mans just wanted some waves? I could have hooked him up with a good barbe-"

I was silenced by a squishy fist to the nose.

Of course, that didn't hurt, but the suddenness of it made me fall off the deers back, meeting the wooden dock head first.


A hand appeared in my vision, one that held sharp golden nails, yet pure porcelain skin.

It belonged to Ningguang, who had quite sadly seen my fall.

I graciously accepted her help, as she lifted me with ease.

The grip she held me with made my heart skip a beat, as I squeezed her hand tightly, as if to memorize this familiar feeling.

"We are indebted to your assistance."
She smiled warmly, causing me to blush a mad red.

"And to you as well," she turned to the adepti and Aether. "If you all hadn't happened to be here... the future of Liyue Harbor would surely have been in great jeopardy."

Her words would have flattered anyone. But that didn't seem to be the case with the Adepti.

"Save your flattery. We didn't just 'happen' to be here. Surely you won't pretend to have forgotten the reason for which we came-"
Cloud retainer's harsh words were cut off by the chuckle of a certain old lady.

"Come now, there's no need for harsh words Cloud Retainer."

Like the absolute powerhouse she was, Madam Ping swept aside any form of tension that may have arisen during this ordeal.

With her lovely speech on Ningguangs sacrifice, it made it all the more clear how much she had lost during the battle.

I wanted to help Lady Ningguang, but from what I've seen, and knowing her character... she would most definitely not want that.

I hope she rebuilds the jade chamber to be even greater than the one before. Her resolve will surely, never falte-

"aRe yOu qUeStiONinG oUr mEaNs oF pRotEctInG lIyuE?"

This deer needs to chill the hell out.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Dammit, dammit, dammit! I still haven't made a plan! I can't just go in doing nothing! Should I scare Childe? Nah he'd never get scared... mmm- oh! Should strut in there?! Ok! Paimon, Aether, you be my entourage and-"

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