How to make someone blush 101

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✧・゚:* (y/n) pov *:・゚✧

"What is up y'all, its ya boi, eat that pu-"

"Oh! you're finally here my little nymph~"

Diluc had decided it would be best to all meet up once again during nightfall. 

It was understandable of course, seeing as how the knights of Favonious were still looking for us, so we couldn't stay in one place.

The tavern was also bustling with people, and we wanted to keep our plans a secret so a different meeting time was set. 

After moving around, and waiting for our meeting time, Aether, Paimon, and I went back to the Tavern, a surprise guest there as well.

"Wait, you're... Aether... and (y/n)."

"Oh! hello there Jean~"

Getting over the initial shock of seeing the acting grandmaster at the tavern DURING the time of our secret meeting, I happily greeted the blonde. 

Aether wasn't as easily welcoming. "Why is the Acting Grand Master here?"

"Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person." Diluc was quick to answer Aether's question. "Secondly, She came here as 'Jean' herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight."

ah- "I see. So you two have best friend privileges. I'm not jealous..." clicking my tongue and turning to the side, I mumbled as to not let them hear my comment.

I was successful as Jean continued unbothered. "What a surprise. I heard about the Holy Lyre, but I never expected it was you."

The blond turned to Diluc who she stood beside 'lucky'

"So, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal... is that true?"

Venti took this as a chance to speak, effectively answering her question by also putting Aether and me on a pedestal, going on about how we were going to be the ones to help greatly in this 'battle.'

although Jean was a little unsure, she warmed up to our ideas and joined in on our plans.

The poor girl was already drowning in her work as acting grandmaster, and now she was inserting herself in this? I held a higher respect for Jean as she willingly comes out to help like this, but Diluc didn't take too kindly to her words.

"Hmph." 'edge boi.' "That's one of the reasons I don't like the Knights of Favonious. What surprises me is that you would believe an outlander so easily."

I thought for a moment, "I mean... you trusted ME enough to share a drin-"

He shot me one of those famous looks. And when I tell you he looked deadly, I MEAN he looked deadly.  I caught Venti's sleeve and slightly hid behind his arm as if that'd protect me from pyro zaddy.

"ah- hahaha... don't mind me..."

Everyone stared at the interaction with hitched breathes. Diluc eventually looked away to Jean once more.

'I almost went to Celestia... who am I kidding, I would have flown low.'

The conversation picked up once more as Jean defended against the tavern owner. 

"My cautious and meticulous superior, even you trust him. Don't you, sir?"

"I already told you not to call me sir..."

'oh Nah, these two doing some kinky shi-"

I felt movement from beside me and realized I was still holding on to Venti's arm. 

Turning to the bard, I saw he was looking at me from the corner of his eye.

The lingering smell of alcohol and morning dew, reached my senses as I stood closely. I even noticed a few other features, like his vibrant blue eyes, which reflected the beautiful lighting in the tavern, and the Cecilia in his hair which looked freshly picked.

I also saw how the tips of aqua in his hair seemed to glow, and... was it getting brighter?

'If I ask to wear his Berrett, would that be weird?-'

Hearing him clear his throat, I realized just how long I was staring, and quickly removed my self.

Looking over to the others in the group, no one else seemed to notice me make a fool out of myself, so I dusted off my clothes and pretended not to feel Venti's lingering gaze on me.

The rest of the meeting was with awkward tension exuding from Diluc and Jean, while the rest of us added in on points where we could. 

Once we came to the topic of the fatui, who we concluded were after the Anemo God's power, Venti seemed to tense beside me. I noted his behavior as it didn't sit right with me. 

Not only that, but he seemed to know a lot about the anemo archon, including guesses that seemed incredibly accurate, and talking as if he was sure that everything he was saying was right.

'I'll think on that later...'

In conclusion to our little meeting, we gathered enough information to pinpoint where the Fatui must have taken the Holy lyre. Forming a party consisting of me, Aether, and Diluc (as well as Paimon...) we planned to head out to the Fatui's hiding spot to retrieve the Lyre.

"Is everyone in accordance?" Jean questioned. We knew she couldn't go as her status would turn this ordeal into a huge diplomatic issue which we wanted to avoid.

Assuring her that we would be okay, we gave her peace of mind that everything would turn out fine.

"Alright then, good luck! and come back safe!" with a huge grin, Venti, who wasn't going as well, sent us off with a few words of encouragement.

Walking out of the tavern, we began t head off in the direction of the Fatui hideout.

"let's own these bastards."

"Yeaahh!!!" Paimon who floated alongside us cheered with vigor.

Aether simply nodded at my statement with a small smile.

Meanwhile, Diluc walked with his eyes closed, in deep thought. 'he's gonna walk into a pole or something.'

Poking the Pyro user's arm, I effectively gained his attention. He looked at me with a lot less ferocity than inside the tavern, which I was grateful for because I would have broken down if he looked at me like that again.

I flashed a smile his way, a small reassuring one. If he was in deep thought, then I thought maybe he was worried about what was going to happen.

What better than a smile to cheer him up?

He instantly looked forward again, I pouted slightly at how quickly he brushed me off. 

Diluc's long hair swayed as he walked, and the bangs that hung over his eyes did too, making me unable to see his face.

What I did see, were his ears, and would you look at that, they blended in almost perfectly with his fiery red hair. 

'i made him... blush!'

I felt proud of myself at that moment. He couldn't see me, so I didn't hold the Chesire grin that appeared on my face.

'Making edgy boi flustered? checked off the bucket list.'

- - -

✧・゚:* Word Count: 1163 *:・゚✧

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