☆ Run Run Runnin

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✧・゚:* Scaramouche POV *:・゚✧

"What an Annoying Woman!"

Crushing a helpless flower beneath his Shoes, The harbinger known as Scaramouche mercilessly grounded it into the earth.

Gritting his teeth in anger, he let out all his frustration on the plant, thus eliciting a few sparks of electricity to run through his body.

He snarled, "Of course! She's that damned dog's Bitch! I shouldn't have expected more from an acquaintance of Tartaglia."

Spitting out the 11th harbinger's codename as if it were Venom, Scaramouche let up on the innocent flower right after.

Slamming his foot on the ground, he cracked a few fingers in anger, also remembering the name Paimon had called him in their earlier interacrion.

The sounds of the popping bones caused the Fatui agent, that had been there the entire time, to flinch.

She had been waiting to report on the situation, but so far, getting through to her superior was proving to be a challenge.

"Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit-"

* ♡ *

"Hey! Hey! Shorty! Check. It. Out!"

Turning in the direction where an incredibly happy voice rang out, A small photo was shoved in his face.

Scaramouche sneered at Childe, who was the one that invaded his personal space.

"What the hell am I looking at."

Attempting to focus on the very close photo, Scaramouche grabbed the taller male's wrist, and wrenched it away from him to get a better view.

"Its. My. Lady~"

He could tell the ginger was obviously lying.

After all, the fight-lusting harbinger would never be able to pull anyone, if he wanted to or not.

At least, that's what Scaramouche thought.

Glaring at the photo Tartaglia had so happily presented, he saw the figure of a woman, sitting at what appeared to be a table.

As for the woman herself, her eyes were a delicate shade of (e/c), shining as the lights from the photo illuminated her orbs.

Her (h/c) hair lazily sat on her head, as if she hadn't put much thought into her appearance for the moment.

The girl in the photo was holding a pair of chopsticks. Below her was a bowl of food.

Although she wasn't looking directly at the camera, it was as if she was staring at nothing, head in the clouds, and aloofly eating with a small pout on her face.
Her arm holding up her face in a gentle manner.

He had to admit, she looked rather attractive.

"Again. What are you showing me? A pile of shit?"

Frowning at the male's poor choice of words, Childe quickly moved the picture away from him and swiftly put it back into his pocket.
"Are you jealous of me, or what? You seem more annoyed than usual."

The smirk he gave him didn't fail to irritate Scaramouche.

He shot him a disgusted look.

With a small, 'tsk' and glare from the indigo-haired male, he soon walked away without a word.

The last thing he saw was Childe regaining his happy exterior and bouncing to another fatui agent with glee, most likely to share the picture with them as well.

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