Love Tropes! Love Tropes!

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

I could feel a hand run through the tresses of my hair, lightly combing away all the knots and tangles.

A gentle hum of an unfamiliar song rang through the air as softly as the breeze.

My body felt at ease, I was calm at the moment. No worries, no nothing, just focusing on the hand that made me feel safe and the lap I rested upon-




Sitting abruptly, I heard a small yelp from the one who held me. Turning around, I stared at the bard who was smirking cutely as his arm extended towards me.

"Aww, my little Nymph. I didn't mean to scare you. Come back~"

Oh, Archons... did that sound tempting...

As much as I wanted to lay back down and enjoy the peaceful moment I just had to ask, "Venti, where's Aether and Paimon. Are they hurt? Where did Signora go? Are YOU alright?"

Venti brought his hands up, waving them up and down in a manner that signaled me to calm down.

"They're alright, before I left, I saw Miss Barbara exit the cathedral to check on them. They're completely fine, I assure you. About Signora, she had left as well, and you don't have to worry about me."

At his words, I heaved a sigh of relief. They were fine. That's all I needed to know.

"So," I began, "Why am I here and not with them. I blacked out at the Cathedral, were you the one that brought me here?"

A wide smile lit up on the bard's face. "Bingo!"

His carefree attitude sure was contagious, but... if he brought me here but not the others, there must have been a reason for that.

"ehe~ you're so suspicious. The look on your face tells me you want answers."

Well shit, this one's psychic too.

"Can I just say I wanted to spend time alone with you? Would that divert your attention, somehow?~"

"no, no it wouldn't."

yes, yes it definitely would.

Venti teasingly smiled at me, squinting his eyes as if he could look into my very soul.

The breeze drifted through, rustling the leaves of the huge tree we sat under. 

I was starting to feel the same unease I had felt when I was with Kaeya, which I tried very hard to deny, as this was Venti...

Just what was he thinking? 

"mmm, well (y/n), I just wanted to make sure you were alright~ You did take quite a tumble, and accumulated many bruises and wounds from the whole Signora event. I was worried that you might..."

My mind cut off the rest of his words as I began to wonder.

Bruises? I didn't feel hurt though... and what does he mean by wounds... Oh... OH SHIT.

"...well, it's a good thing they've all disappeared now, haven't they."

I was full-on panicking, as Venti lazily picked small flowers from the ground, twirling them around his fingers, and admired how the petals moved.

"You were out cold... it's a wonder how you may have activated your vision- well I wouldn't say you used your vision since it well... didn't activate."

I sucked in a breath as his gaze sharply turned to me. His smile felt comforting, as his eyes shone with mischief. 

He knew.

I knew he knew, and he probably knew I knew.

"ughhh" I slapped a hand over my eyes, laying down on the grass below me, as I heard a gentle giggle from the Anemo Archon. "Bluebird, just say you know... it's better than scaring me like this."

I heard him shuffle a bit before footsteps came my way. Right beside my head, a thump was heard, then a light chuckle.

Tearing my arm away from my eyes, I looked to the side to be met with Venti's face, not even a few inches away from my own.

His body was facing the opposite direction of my own, so he was upside down in my view.

Nonetheless, I blushed madly at the close proximity and diverted my attention to the tree above us.

"Can I ask how long you've known... or at least suspected?" I breathed out hesitantly.

"Oh, I've known since the first time we met face to face. I can sense divine power from a mile away."

Divine power... It's just some plants versus zombies ripoff that dumb tree gave me.

"It was a bit weird" Venti sighed, "I sensed a gnosis, but it was as if it wasn't fully there. Would you mind explaining?"

Explanations... I was never really good with those. 

If only that weirdo from 'Celestia' didn't bring me here. Why would it even wanna give me that power? 

Hell, I didn't even get the full access pass... no regrets, I wasn't accepting it either way...

"Weird tree, roots, power chess piece, I didn't want it, rejected it, slightly fused with it. Years. Met a helpful guy. Adventured. All that jazz."

"I see..."

Damn, he actually got all that. Like he seemed to genuinely contemplate everything I said to him and put together the pieces. 

"ehe, I knew you were someone very special (y/n). I can't wait to sing your tale If you'd allow me to."



He didn't even care about the things I've told him, much less go deeper into what happened back then. 

Man, to be as laid back as him. Must be nice.

Laying in silence once again, I realized that my mood had lightened considerably. I was no longer on edge, as I stayed comfortably with Venti by my side.

I had also recognized one other detail. Venti was the first to know about my past. At least, the first I've told. It was a nice thing to get off my chest, not to mention with someone I've accumulated a bond with.

"...Thank you..."

Feeling a hand on my cheek, I was then moved to face the ravenette. 

Of course, he wasn't fully jet black as his glowing, blue tips shone brightly. Even more so than before.

"Of course~ We who live for thousands of years, need to stay together."

As his thumb gently caressed my cheek, drawing me closer and closer...

My eyes began to flutter instinctively, coming to a close.

He paused.

Whispering something incomprehensible, his head shifted a bit before he softly kissed my forehead.

Moving his head away, I opened my eyes in return.

We laid there, comfortably staring at each other as we contemplated what to do next.

Though we didn't have to wait for long. 


It was nice while it lasted.

✧・゚:* Word Count: 1116 *:・゚✧

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