Heroes Never Die... B*tch

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"B̸̮̂͝ë̶̩́ȁ̷͎ả̴͓̜a̶̬͒̑n̴̛͇̮̓n̸̠͖͊͐ṋ̸͒͜ṣ̴͗s̴̬͙̈͛s̴͓̓, what the fUck."

Like a huge cavern, the place I resided in echoed my words right back to me.

I had been in this void for a while and eventually began reciting anything that came to mind.


Singing was especially interesting as the echoes that came back sounded like my very own background chorus.

Yeah, I've been here for a while...

...Where here is... I have no clue.

It felt as if I was talking to someone at the beginning, but I just couldn't remember who for the life of me.

Now I was just floating in this space, biding time for whatever may happen next. Maybe I'd go to heaven or hell. Even Celestia could work.

"I hope Aether and Paimon are alright."

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

*Warning! Mentions of blood and Gore, as well as self-harm*

The sound of a wet metal crash could be heard as both men jumped away.

They had no choice...

As (y/n)'s body fell backward, the sword that was impaled behind her dug deeper. More of the bloody blade could be seen emerging from her chest.
Her eyes were still blown wide open.

No one had the gull to speak as they looked on with scared faces.

Paimons sobs wracked through her body as she tried to look away, but ultimately couldn't.
Her small fingers over her eyes, in a sad attempt to block her view.

Childe's mouth formed a thin line as his equally dead eyes stared at her's, which have not left his form, even after falling.

And Aether... oh Aether...

He couldn't help but look at his hands... to the blade that was stabbed through (y/n)'s heart.

He clutched tufts of his hair, as he grits his teeth.
Was he trying to prevent a scream? Possibly.

Although his form shook, and his cries for help were muffled... no tears fell from his eyes.

He was just that... horrified.

Horrified of what he had done. Horrified of the sight he had seen.

He couldn't take it.

Aether knew he had no one else to blame.
Not Childe, not Paimon, or anyone else in this world.

He had been the one to end her life, and he had to pay for it.
But... how....

"Don't look at me with those disgusting eyes (L/n)."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Aether looked at Childe, the one who had interrupted his dark ventures.

Taking notice of the flash of light, Aether realized that Tartaglia had done away with his foul legacy form, reverting to his previous clothing.

"You and I still haven't battled. You still need to stop me!"

The desperation in his voice could be heard loud and clear as Childe attempted to stand and reach the girl's body.

He failed as exhaustion took over, forcing the man to kneel.

He continued to gaze at the soulless eyes that stared back at him.

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