Jelly, Jam, whats the difference again?

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✧・゚:* Aether pov *:・゚✧

"Hii~ Hiiii~"


What exactly am I looking at?

Below the gigantic tree at Windrise sat the bard whos name we learned as Venti

He waved to us excitedly, along with a closed eyed smile.
Alright we expected that.... but we didnt expect...

"WAAH!! (Y/N)!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?!"

Paimon yelled out in utter horror.
Right beside Venti, with her head laying upon his shoulder, sat (y/n). Even with Paimons scream, she remained unresponsive.

Was she sleeping? No, she wouldnt sleep so calmly next to someone she would probably think of as 'Husbando Material,' which is how she would put it.

'Oh.... she probably fainted.'

Her slightly parted lips curved up a little at the end making for a subtle accomplished look.

Ive seen that face various times before. This girl would be famous for the amount of times shes fainted by a compliment or flirt.

Now, ive had my fair share of causing this look.

But, that doesnt mean I'm particularly pleased whenever this is caused by someone else.

Without noticing a sour look crossed my face.
My frown deepened as i saw the bards hand resting gently on (y/n)'s head, which i presume is to keep her from falling.

I dont like this.

"I was wondering if you had followed me aswell, after all, if this sweet dame..." Venti poked the sleeping girls cheek as he spoke, "...followed me, i assumed you would be right behind her~"

He looked up at me with slightly narrowed eyes and a small smile. As he did, he moved his hand back onto the Dendro users head and petted her a bit.

She in turn fidgeted, unconciously leaning into his touch.

I really dont like this.

"I wanted to know more about the Anemo God."

I know that my voice came out strained, but its not like i could help it. Moreover, once I spoke of the Anemo Archon, Venti's eyes opened wide with interest.

"You speak of the god of anemo Barbatos? He dissapeared a long time ago. The gods of Liyue and Inazuma are still present, but Mondstadt has seen many of moon since they lst saw their own god. Why would you like to know? Is this about Dvalin."

As he spoke, rather rapidly may i add, he also dropped his hold on (y/n)'s head, allowing her to simply rest on his shoulder.

This made my gut feeling lighten up, but not entirely.

"Well..." Paimon had begun coming up with an answer to the Bards question, "ahh.... its because gods..."

I should help her... "Yes, someone told me of Dvalins past."

Nodding his head, Venti asked another question. "Just how is it that everyone see's stormterror? Im quite Curious."

I was about to answer, until he cut me off.

"That said, theres no need to rush, I have not been back for awhile, It seems that there are a few who are... unhappy, with my arrival."

A strong wind passed from behind me, and when I turned to look, I found its cause.

An 'eye of the storm' was right before us, and it was getting closer by the second.

"Uwahh- Paimon cant open her eyes!"

Looking behind me, in the direction i was facing before, i looked towards the once sleeping girl, who now had her arms raised to her face.

She had just awoken, probably wondering what was going on.

"The fugg... Wazzis hapennins?"


I allowed smile to appear on my face.

'...even when shes clueless and half asleep shes cute.'

I faced the eye with my sword drawn at the ready.

'Dont worry (n/n), i wont let this come near you, much less harm you. Not while im still standing.'

✧・゚:* (y/n) pov *:・゚✧

What in the actual f*ck is going on.

I was dreaming about some weird shit but then woke up to this mess.

'Why is it so windy!?!? Did i leave a window open?!? Window? I have windows? No wait im outside. WAIITTT AETHERS FIGHTING SOMETHING! AND WITHOUT ME???? How dare he.'

Assesing the situation, I went to go help him out when i felt a hand on my shoulder.

Glancing to my side i saw Venti looking at me with a cute smile.

"I think he's going to fine, how about we just sit back and watch him in case anything goes wrong."

His convincing look, well..... convinced me, and I sat back down. Scooching over to the side, and away from him, I continued to watch Aether.

As I did, I remembered what happened before I fainted.

Did i really just faint cause of a cute rhyme this homeless street performer made up? Yes. Yes i did.

Paimon made her way beside me at some point, making a boundary between me and Venti.

I internally thanked her for being a small wall. The titans definently aint getting past her.

I smiled at the reference I made from a book I read. I didnt say it out loud, but i doubt anyone would have gotten it anyways.

Oh wait, theres still a battle going on in front of us.

Aether gracefully moved, slashing his sword at the eye everytime it came down. I always like the way he fought, occasionaly asking him to demonstrate.

Ahem, and it totally wasnt just to see him flex his gorgeous- AHEM, jeez, i sure am coughing alot in my head.

As he swiped his sword a few more times, he dealt the finishing blow to the Monster, and it crumbled down to pieces before him.

He raked up a bit of sweat during the fight, having it fall down his face and arms as he caught his breathe.

Running a hand through his hair, the sun reflected off of him, emitting a youthful glow. He sheathed his sword, and turned to the three of us, (Venti, Paimon and I) with semi-tired eyes.

Yeah, no, my jaw dropped as I shamelessly stared at him. I was ready to get on my knees and... PRAY to the archons for delivering such a beautiful sight.

I decided against it once he began to walk toward us.

He walked directly to me, stopping once he was infront of me. I quickly stood up as a result.

We just stood silently as we stared at eachother.


"Stop running off all by yourself."

He had karote chopped my head lightly, not enought to hurt me in the slightest.
I still rose my hands up to my head in surprise.

Pouting a bit as i looked at him, an idea came to mind.

"Make me."

He took out his sword.


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✧・゚:* Word count: 1138*:・゚✧

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