Side Quest! Operation Dn (Part 2)

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Venti sneezing was something I didn't know I needed in life.

Once Aether returned with Prince, Venti's allergy spiked, causing him to let go of me and having Aether sweep me and Paimon away from the scene.

Though I was startled, I had the feeling we would see the green bard later anyway.

The next few tasks were easily done, as Charles's tax problem was solved by finding his delivery, and Sara's commission was done by helping her cook.

The main details in all of this were that we got to see some of our friends once more.

Lisa had been helping Charles before we got there, and easily guided us through where we had to go, and what we had to do to help.

Though I did almost faint a few times due to her... Well... Charms.

Secondly, Amber was ready and set to help out Sara. Once we got to Good hunter, things seemed to be in order, and we managed to aid Sara in cooking a few dishes that were stockpiling.


That was the moment I noticed something was going on.

At first, these commissions didn't strike me odd but... Seeing them all side by side, there was a pattern.

I only realized once we finished with Sara.

Food, a venue, the preparation of entertainment.

Not to mention everyone who we reunited with had a connection together...



I banged my fist against the palm of my hand in recognition.

This startled Aether and Paimon, who was walking beside me.

"What happened?"

Paimon asked curiously as she floated beside us.

We were on our way to Windrise to get Jean after Barbara told us about her whereabouts, so the afternoon glow of the sun reflected off our figures as we walked.

"Did you guys figure it out?" I asked them as I lifted a finger.

They looked as confused as I thought they would have, so I concluded it was best to stay silent.

Of course, Paimon wanted to know what I had been referring to and decided to nag me about it along the way.

Before long, we made it to the symbol of Mondstadts hero, where we caught sight of Jean, who had been kneeling before it elegantly.

The light emerging from between the leaves of the Windrise tree bounced off the woman's hair.
Its sweet flower-like color shined, and it made me inwardly gasp.

Jean truly was beautiful.

"Jean. How are you doing?"

The blond woman jolted at the new voice who had interrupted her meditation. Quickly standing, she turning, she lowered her guard once she saw it was us.

"Much better... I wasn't expecting you to come here. Thank you for your concern."

Her reassurance was all that was needed for us to breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, the acting grand master's condition was still rather weak.
Who knows what dangers she could face all alone like this.

Albeit our original concern, we were soon quelled by the telling of stories of old.

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