Problems are for the weak

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"I see..."

The tapping of two small wooden sticks could be heard as the red-headed male looked at a teacup blankly.

"I thought it would be good to report this as soon as possible." A womanly voice stated as she kneeled in a small corner of the dimly lit room.

Her fatui headwear hid her eyes, albeit her head bowed in the presence of her superior.

"If I may, we could always use their relationship against them in ba-"


The woman flinched when she heard the breaking of the two chopsticks. Immediately, she shut her mouth, canceling any further words that may escape.

"Do not step out of line. That'll be your final warning. Go back to your post."

With a simple 'yes sir' the fatui woman left the building hurriedly.

After he was sure she left, Childe... well, Tartaglia brushed a hand over a small leather journal.

The inside was scribbled with various interesting things he's grown fond of reading. Though it was a bit roughed up, it was in perfect condition, in fact, some of the pages that threatened to fall out were stitched delicately back in their original place.

Nothing was missing, and everything remained intact.

He lifted the book lazily and looked at its contents, the broken chopsticks having fallen off the table long ago.

Chuckling softly, he closed the book and threw it across the table, but not with enough force where it would fall off.

"The walls have ears indeed."

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Nyegh- get off Aether, I heard you already."

Trying with all my might, I attempted to pry Aether off of me as he was still muttering small apologies into my ear.

It's been about 10 minutes, and we haven't gotten anywhere since the boy holding me never budged.

I had my hands on his chests, exerting enough force that kept me on the wall, yet he still didn't move. Just how strong was he!?

Deciding that was enough I blankly stared at the back of his head since that was the only thing visible to me.

Sighing, I decided to use my brain for once and figured out an escape plan.

I simply ducked underneath his arms and into freedom.

Once I achieved my goal, I followed Aether's example.

I placed my hands on the wall.

Leaned my head a bit.

And began to re-think everything in life.

I was still incredibly dizzy from what had just happened, and of course. How was I supposed to go about this? What's going to happen afterward?

I leaned my head on the wall, feeling the cool surface of the brick exterior. My face needed to calm down.

It seems our minds were still connected by that 5 GHz wifi connection as Aether copied MY movements, and placed his face against the brick wall too.

Now that our cheeks were connected to the wall, we were looking at each other blankly

I began to trace Aethers features, from his messy hair to his dazed expression.

I assumed he was doing the same to me, though I felt my condition was way worse.

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