Should have raided the wine cellar

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✧・゚:* (y/n) pov *:・゚✧

"ham, nom nom nom nom..."

Even though the food from the tavern couldn't compare to its delicious wines, it certainly wasn't terrible.

"Yish ish sho gewd" I mumbled out, to no one in particular.

I had become hungry after we came back from our little quest to the Fatui hideout. When my stomach rumbled, it was over for me, as everyone had just about ordered me to sit down and eat.

Even Paimon, who would inhale all the food within a kilometer, told me to take a break.

I admit I had gone a little overboard with using my vision, but I wasn't fatigued at all.

It was a bit weird, having everyone worry about me, as im usually the one worrying for others, but it was a nice feeling.

Diluc had gone and prepared me a few Chicken-mushroom skewers, which im currently enjoying, then went back to preparing for their next mission.

Apparently, they decided to leave ASAP, as in, that exact moment.

When I went to join them, they told me to stay put and finish my food.

With that, they left without me.




'maybe I should.... raid the wine cellar....'


I sputtered on my food. I hadn't expected such a loud noise from behind me. Turning around I saw Venti standing there, arm holding the door, and a flushed look on his face.

Did he... run all the way here..?


"It's time my little nymph!"

Coming towards me, and hoisting me on his shoulder, I was caught off guard with the chicken still in my mouth.


I began to kick trying to break free from Venti's grasp.

'oh Nah!! Im way too heavy, how in the actual f is he so strong?!?!? he has the body of a literal child-'

"I was sent here to retrieve you my sweet~ I suggest you stop resisting, or you might fall."

Walking like he wasn't carrying a whole human being on his shoulder, we exited the tavern.

surprise surprise, the cheeky little bastard made a move by putting his hand a little too close to my... um... you know, and held me by my thighs as well.

Swallowing hard, I slumped, falling limp as I just let him carry me. Less walking for me I guess.

Besides, there was no one around to see us as it was the dead of night.

I stammered out, "Did the guys and Jean finish collecting the tears?"

"Yes yes," he replied eagerly, "I was told to meet up at Dawn Winery, and bring you along with me~ perhaps we may be able to convince Master Diluc to share a bit of his vintage wine before we depart."

His voice sounded dreamy as his hand detached from my thighs and clutched his face. I couldn't see his expression, but I knew he probably had a huge smile on his face.

Sighing, we passed through the gates of Mondstadt. I slightly waved at Swan and Lawrence who are always on patrol.

Poor guys looked confused at my state.

"Im not being kidnapped, don't worry."

They nodded to me with slight hesitance and continued to watch Venti and I cross the bridge connecting the city to the rest of Mondstadt.

Covering my face, I groaned in embarrassment while I heard Venti laugh at my misery.


✧・゚:* Time skip *:・゚✧

"What up" I tiredly groaned out to Aether, Diluc, Paimon, and Jean, who all stood before Dawn Winery.

No, I wasn't physically tired, but I did want Diluc to smack me with his claymore.

The four looked at me and the bard carrying me in curiosity.

With a slight hand gesture, I signaled to them, 'don't ask' and they complied. There were still stares of confusion though.

Finally, FINALLY, letting me go, Venti gently placed me down on the ground.

I can't believe he carried me all the way here. All the weird stares we got, and all I could do was hide my face a pray to barba- uhh, ve- err.... the Archons that no one would see me.

Walking to Aether, I clutched his cape, my signal that I needed some emotional support, and he allowed me to hide behind him and put my head on his shoulder.

With that, we commenced our meeting.

"Woohoo!" Paimon yelled with joy. "Dvalin protection squad! assemble!"

I lazily pumped my fist in the air to show my enthusiasm. It wasn't much, but I saw Paimon eagerly clap at my gesture.

In front of us, Venti smiled, "Let's put out crystals together." he suggested.

With the tears lined up, we all noticed just how muddy the color was. It looked, painful.

'We will save you... Dvalin.'

Aether moved forward, using his weird, otherworldly powers to purify the crystals. Just like the others, the tears turned a vibrant blue and looked better than ever as they floated before us.

"How refreshing... once we get to Dvalin, I hope we can help him, just like this."

Reaching a hand out to one of the tears, it flittered about my palm, as I stared at it in pity. The group around me nodded their heads in agreement with my statement.

Turning to Aether, I handed him the tear I held, while Venti did the same with the others.

"Now traveler, use the crystals on the Holy Lyre, just like last time." The Bard motioned.

Just as he was told to do so, Aether used his powers once more to infuse the tears within the Lyre.

With this, the anemo energy was fully restored, and it was ready to use.

We all decided to head to star snatch cliff to summon Dvalin, as it was the only place we could go where there would be no casualties should we fail.

As everyone was in agreement, we decided to head out to Starsnatch cliff at once.

"Imagine being childish enough to make this into a race-"

I dipped.

At Paimons words, which I knew were directed at me, I began to run as fast as possible towards Starsnatch cliff.

"H-Hey!! I didn't mean it!! please wai- AETHER!!! DONT FEED WHAT SHE- MASTER DILUC- JEA- TONE-DEAF BARRDD!!!!!"


✧・゚:* Word Count: 1041 *:・゚✧

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