♡ Taking centerpieces

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Yujing Terrace.

Before, I was here with Hu tao, Zhongli, and Qiqi.

But now having the knowledge that I was on a date made the entire ambiance of the terrace glow brighter.

Were there more Lanterns than before?

Had the carpets been replaced?

Was that red always so.... Red!?

Minding such fickle things was beyond me.

Why was I worried so much about the atmosphere, and the colors, and the decorations!?

"It looks pretty up here, doesn't it~?"

I cherished the sight of the terrace wholely.

Placing my arms behind me, I looked over to Xiao, who stared at the same view with a neutral expression.



Somehow, I had grown a knack for finding the most pinpoint, microscopic problems with the scenery.

Just what was going on through Xiao's head?

It made me worry if he was truly enjoying himself-


It all came to a close when that smooth as honey voice melted into my ears.

"Oh, Forgive me, Ms.(L/n). It's lovely to see you again."

I had turned so quickly it almost gave me whiplash.


There, standing behind me was Lady Ningguang, who gave but a gentle smile in return to my 'greeting.'

"A-ah Oh shi- ffff- Pardon! Me... Lady Ningguang...! That slipped out- I never meant to-"

Thank Barbatos I knew a little bit about proper speech.

It was my salvation for once again embarrassing myself before Lady Ningguang.

Anyways, may the wind lead. Plug for my homie, @I_venti_tytheft420 Even though phones don't exist in this world....

Where was I?

Oh yes.

"Please, forgive my rudeness, My Lady-"

Ningguang had raised her hand in a 'stop' notion, making me... well.. stop.

But I was too embarrassed to stay still any longer, so I just swayed side to side in place.

"It's quite alright (L/n). I hadn't expected you to be up here all alone. I've just come to exchange greetings. No need for formalities."

At that point, I was praying to whatever higher being as thanks that she didn't see me as some mentally deranged thirst chick.

But in truth, was I not one?

However, what she said did strike me as odd...

Sparing a glance behind me, I realized there was no one in sight.

Did Xiao just up and disappear?

Dammit! He has that sick power too!? I wish I had it.... then I could poof out of awkward conversations.

Just like this one.


Looking closer at the woman's appearance, I could see the makings of a delicate, light pink bow that had tied her hair nicely into Lady Ningguangs iconic look.

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