So. Who are you?

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

Humming a small tune, a walked beside a glaring Paimon and Aether, those of which who hadn't spoken to me in 2 days.

2 friggen days!

Why might you ask?

Well, it's because I had suddenly disappeared for an entire afternoon and night, basically half a day.

Of course, I knew they would get mad at me, but the silent treatment was slowly killing me.

I mean, I had a good reason too, I had to comfort Venti and make sure he was alright before leaving him to search for my two companions.

But now they were mad...

"I heard... good hunter was having a sale on their sticky honey roasts! Ahah.... must have had a good uh- hunt! Ahah hah, haah..."

Although paimons ears perked at the sale part, their heated gazes worsened at the terrible excuse of a pun.

"Ahahh.... ehhh..... sorry."


Nervously tapping my fingers, I silently rejoiced now that they were speaking to me. Albeit yelling would be the more fitting term.

"I wasn't the one who lost me in the woods..."


They seemed like angry mothers now.
Having them both be in perfect sync while scolding me was a terrifying experience.

Eventually, I had to apologize for my absence, but I never did tell them what exactly I had been doing.

Keeping that a secret for venti is the least I could do.
Besides... sharing our soft sides... it was an experience id like to keep in my head as a memory.

"Uh. Excuse me, travelers!"

We had been walking through the city streets of Mondstadt, so hearing Katherine of the adventurers guild call out to us was no surprise.
However, what she had to say was a different story.

Trading hellos, we trailed up to the adventurers guild booth, where Katherine had waved us over from.

"I've been meaning to catch you. I found something that might have piqued your interest."

When she said this, she had been looking directly at Aether.
Aether? If it would interest Aether... then...

"It appears that there have been sightings of a blond stranger, one of which who wears unusual clothing. They were seen here in Mondstadt."

Well, that did pique our interest.

Whipping our heads to Aether, me and Paimon yelled out, "WAIT! COULD IT BE!?"

I swear to you, we had suddenly become Jojo characters at that point.

Aether was already in deep thought, wondering if this stranger could be his missing sibling.

Whatever the case, we had to take on this newfound information if there was even the slightest chance that it could be related to Aethers sister.

Demanding for more information, Katheryn told us that we would most likely find this blond stranger in Angels share.

My my, we've found ourselves there numerous times now huh?

Thanking Katheryn, we bolted towards the bar at max speed, not wasting a beat on our new lead.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Tell me where they are, BUCKaroo! I'm not playing these games today, so spill the beans!"

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