106. husband!5sos

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


"ware you thinking about?" calum's soft voice broke through the quiet atmosphere that had settled over the room. after the excitement of marrying the love of your life three days ago, to racing home to pack for your honeymoon, and eventually making it to the beautiful destination, you were exhausted. but you had genuinely never felt happier in your entire life. "i'm thinking about how me and you get to spend 3 weeks here, with no interruptions." you replied, turning over to press your body even closer to his. you pressed your face against his neck, leaving soft kisses against the skin. "and that me and you are finally married. i'm finally mrs hood." "mrs hood." calum repeated the words, not being able to remove the grin from his face. he loved hearing those words. you were the absolute love of his life, and he couldn't put into words how much he adored you. "god babe, i love you. you know that, right?" you let out a laugh at his words, although his face remained still. he'd never been one for expressing his feelings in a straight forward way - he'd always done it through song lyrics, or actions. "of course I know that. would i be here if i thought you didn't?" "but i don't just love you, sweetheart." he murmured, a hand moving to run up and down your bare back softly. "I'm in love with you. you're the love of my life, and you make every day worth living." tearssprang to your eyes as you took in his words, feeling like the luckiest person in the world. "cal." you spoke softly, as his thumbs gently wiped the tears from your soft cheeks. he looked straight into your eyes, feeling nothing but love and security. it had taken him so long, but he had finally given you his heart, and he knew he'd trust you with it forever. "you're the love of my life too. forever and always." he rested his hands on your cheeks, thumbs gently stroking your cheekbones as he pulled you even closer, your lips finally landed on his. "forever and always, baby."

so husband!luke would be a big dreamer when it came to your future together - you knew that since the day he stuttered over asking you out for your very first date and his faraway gazes where he was lost in thought that you often teased him for - but it'd be sometime after your wedding and its reception as you lie intertwined with one another beneath the duvet of some quality hotel sheets and an empty bottle of champagne sitting beside the lamp on the nightstand that his soft hums would be replaced with a scratchy voice fantasizing about what could be - a toddler or two with faint, wavy hair and excited smiles smudged with chocolate racing across the halls of your apartment as you packed up boxes to move to your new home with grass so green it must be fake and a window that rested above a portion of the roof for sunset watching and stargazing and maybe a puppy or kitten for your children to take care of and cuddle late at night, even though they'd likely shed more than your husband and kids combined - and you grinned against his chest as his calloused fingers caressed your bare skin in small shapes as though he was attempting to paint the image in his mind onto your body to make it reality.

"she's adorable." ashton smiles as he watches you from afar, holding your sister's newborn baby. his light up with love as he sees you smiling and playing with the small child. "who? my kid or y/n?" your sister laughs, making ashton blush. "both," he answers, his eyes staying on you. "congratulations again." "thank you. hopefully i'll be telling you that soon. now that you guys are married, everyone is waiting." your sister tells him. "oh it'll happen." ashton nods, knowing he wants nothing more than to start a family with you. soon, you and ashton say your goodbyes to your sister and her husband and leave. on the car road home, you notice your husband acting a little fidgety. "you okay?" you raise an eyebrows at him. "yeah, i just..." he begins, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "do you want to have a kid?" he blurts out. "um," you laugh. "well yeah." "i mean right now." ash clarifies. "right now? like start trying for a baby right now? like when we get home?" you ask. "well we gotta start sometime." ashton chuckles. "yeah, I'm down." you shrug, smiling at him. "really?" "i'm ready if you are. i know you'll be the best dad in the world." you tell him. "aw," he blushes, "and you'll be the best mom in the world."

okay but husband!michael would be awesome—aside from the occasional stray pizza box, chopsticks and mountain dew bottles strewn across the apartment—like he'd just randomly comment on how hot you looked, even if you were just lounging around with a bowl of popcorn while in your underwear, and anytime you ever wanted to have sex then you'd just flip a coin to decide who tops–though if you ever lost it then you decided to go on your side—but mostly he'd just love to love you (does that make any sense?) like he'd always introduce you to everyone - whether they knew you two were married or not - as the love of his life with some bullshit overly romanticized story about how the two of you met or how he proposed but even then he'd still find himself stumbling over his words overtime you slowly stripped in front of him or kissed him so tenderly all he knew was he was hopelessly in love with you.

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