calum hood, ashton irwin, michael clifford & luke hemmings imagines & preferences.
all preferences are written written by me unless stated otherwise! I take requests :)
calum you sigh, leaning against the kitchen counter and rubbing your belly, taking some time away from the large crowd in your backyard. "babe?" you look up and see calum standing in the doorway. "why'd you come inside? it's almost time." he says, walking over to you. "i just wanted some time alone with the baby first." you tell him. he puts his hands on top of yours, rubbing gently. "are you nervous?" "a little," you admit, looking back down at your big stomach. "this is when it starts getting real. baby hood is coming but what if i'm not ready?" you mumble, your insecurities getting the best of you. "hey," calum frowns, lifting your chin up with his thumb. "you've done an amazing job at carrying our child so far, and i know you'll continue to be the best mother when he's born." calum tells you. "when he's born?" you ask, giggling a little. "okay so maybe i'm hoping for a boy." calum shrugs, tilting his head and smiling. "let's go find out." you say, kissing him before the two of you make your way outside. your guests gather around as you and calum both pick up a smoke bomb. "3, 2, 1!" everyone counts down and you and calum set of the bombs. suddently, blue smoke erupts into the air surrounding you. you smile widely and look at calum. "it is a boy!" he cheers, his face lighting up. you kiss him again as everyone cheers for baby boy hood.
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luke "okay, who's ready to pop some balloons?" you ask your guests, holding up darts. "me!" luke raises his hand. "you can't pop them, idiot. you put the paint in." michael reminds him. "oh right." luke nods and you laugh. "i want to try!" ashton smiles and stands up. he takes a dart from you and walks over to the board, deliberating about which balloon to go for. he throws his dart at one of them on the far right and hits it, but nothing comes out. "aw too bad. next?" you ask your guests. "i'll give it a go." calum says, grabbing a dart. he throws it without even thinking, hitting a balloon but again, no paint comes out. "let me show you guys how it's done." michael smirks, standing up. he takes a dart and looks over the board. "third time's a charm." he says, throwing the dart at the top row. a balloon explodes and pink paint splatters all over the board. everyone cheers and congratulates you and luke at the news of your baby girl. "and that's how it's done." michael says, blowing the tip of the dart.
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ashton you and your husband ashton were in the backyard which was covered in pink and blue decorations, passing out blue and pink colored beaded necklaces to your guests, the color depending on what they thought the baby was going to be. "michael what do you think the baby's going to be?" you asked him. "well I don't want to be wrong so I'll take one of each." you laughed, "that's cheating!" "no y/n It's winning. I never lose." he placed both colored beads around his neck and ran off. "alright everyone, it's time!" ashton announced, taking your hand and walking to the corner of the yard with the big box covered in blue and pink streamers. you thanked everyone for coming and then looked up at ash to make sure he was ready. "1,2,3!" you counted down together and lifted the lid at the same time. suddenly, dozens of pink balloons flew out and floated out into the sky. "it's a girl!" everyone screamed. you gasped and immediately started crying. "a girl!" ashton said with so much excitement. he leaned over and kissed you as balloons still slowly poured out. friends and family were taking pictures and continued to cheer. "she's going to be perfect." ashton smiles. " yeah, cause you're her father." you tell him.
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michael your backyard was decorated so nicely as you, michael and your guests got ready for the big event. there was a jar where people could put in their guesses as to what the gender would be, themed food, and lots of pictures of you and michael scattered on the picnic tables. when it was time for the reveal, you two began passing out the canons filled with either pink or blue confetti before standing in front of all of your friends and family. he slid his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side as he spoke, "thank you to everyone for coming! it's so nice to see how many people already care about our little one. so if everybody could just pull the string on their canon on the count of three... one, two, three!" there was a series of loud pops, then blue confetti filled the air around you before fluttering to the ground. it took you a second to process what was happening as excited yells came from your friends and family. tears filled your eyes and your hands flew to your mouth as you looked over at michael who had dropped his canon onto the ground, giving you the biggest grin you'd ever seen. your arms immediately went around his neck, his arms snaking around your waist as he pulled you into the tightest hug he could. "a boy!" he laughs. "our boy." you smile and give him a kiss.
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