43. the vampire diaries au

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these are from various blogs on tumblr, with a little tweaking i did myself


calum follows around a bunch of teenagers in the middle of the night to a halloween party at whitmore college which you also happen to be at. he walks over to the staircase, unable to get inside the frat house without being invited in, and looks around for an unsuspecting victim to be his next meal. he watches you from afar as you stumble over to him. "I love your costume! those fangs look so real" you say drunkenly. he grins at you with a slight smirk; "thanks, princess" he replies, referring to your princess costume. one thing leads to another and you're both walking out of the party with your hands intertwined. you begin walking in the direction of your house before suddenly, calum tugs you into an alleyway and pushes you up against a wall. "you wanna know how realistic these fangs are?" he taunts while sinking his teeth harshly into your neck as you let out an ear-piercing scream.

he was so flawless. his pale skin just so milky, blue eyes making you weak in the knees and perfectly coiffed hair. when luke, your best friend of eight years comes out to you saying him and his family are vampires, you'd probably try to run away but he'd quickly catch you, his vampire speed coming in handy, and hug you. eventually you'd calm down, knowing him nor his family would ever harm you or even put you in danger. accepting the new information, your fright turns into confusion and wonder. "but i thought you couldn't go on in the sun? how are you getting to soccer practice everyday?" you'd probably question him to no ends. "my ring," he grins, holding up his finger to show you his daylight ring. "but please don't tell me you think we hate garlic? cause you've seen me eat an entire stick of garlic bread myself," he chuckles. "impressive right?"

with his nose skimming your neck, he hears a soft whimper escape escape your lips, making him grin to himself. "look at you, all worked up... but i can feel your fear. do I scare you pretty girl?" and you'd shake your head. "not as much fear you but fear of the unknown." and he'd be impressed as his lips just graze your neck, right over where your veins are before pulling away. "i could kill you in a second," your heart stops and he's grinning, "but I like seeing you like this. so much innocence even in your beauty." and with that he's gone and you're a mixture of confused, turned on and slightly fearful. but the fear isn't of him, it's of what could happen next. would he bite you, turn you or kill you?

you slowly open your eyes and sit up quickly, not recognizing where you were. as you looked around the vintage room, the sound of a door slamming shut makes you jump  up, turning to the direction it came from. "you're up!" a boy smiles, walking toward you. "i'm michael." as he gets closer, your eyes widen and you remember what happened. the boy had bitten you. "g-get away." you tell him, backing up. "oh calm down, I'm here to help you," he says, holding out a pouch. there was a dark red substance inside. written across the plastic was 'mystic falls hospital'. "is that... blood?" you ask, suddenly feeling drawn to the taste and the smell. "yeah, drink up." the boys says and you blink quickly. "drink it?" you ask, looking at the blood again. "yes, and I promise you'll feel alot better." he says, making you wonder how he knew you were feeling a bit off. without another thought, you grab the bag. after downing the drink quickly, you wipe what's dripping from your mouth. "why did I drink blood?" you ask the boy in front of you. he chuckles and takes one step closer to you. "because you're a vampire, sweetheart."

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