28. hogwarts au (with photos)

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just a reminder that I also have a 5sos + hogwarts fanfic uploaded ;) it's a romance story with bad boy calum & a sweet hufflepuff girl during the triwizard tournament. please go check it out!!

the photos are from aesthetic sisters on tumblr btw


"cal, where are we going?" you giggle, walking with your hand covering your eyes. "just trust me, babe." your boyfriend says as he guides you up a flight of stairs. once you both reach the top, he stops walking. "alright, you can look now." he says and you remove your hand from your face. you're in the astronomy tower. the moon was shining into the tower, shedding light on the floor. there was a wicker basket with chocolate and caramel dips and an arranged fruit tray all sitting on top of a blue and white plaid blanket. "a picnic?" you smile, turning to calum with wide eyes. "and stargazing." he winks, knowing that you love romantic dates like this. "this is perfect," you tell him and leave a kiss on his cheek. "thank you." "anything for you, love." he smiles and brings you over to his set up. you spend the night watching the stars, eating chocolate covered strawberries and caramel apples. calum points out some constellations to you, but you tell him that's actually a different star and being the ravenclaws that you both are, the two of you argue over who's right. at the end of the date, the two of you walk back to the common room, trying not to get caught because it's past curfew. "goodnight, cal." you whisper, stepping into your common room. "night, y/n." he smiles, pecking your lips.

" he smiles, pecking your lips

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"you're going to be great. i know it." you smile, wrapping the scarlet and gold quidditch cloak around your boyfriend. "you're coming to the after party, right?" luke asks, making you giggle. "you planned an after party and haven't even won yet?" you ask. he bends down to tie his shoes. "i'm the captain. i know my team and i know we're better than those lousy hufflepuff," he stands back up and smirks at you. "plus, i've got my good luck charm." he chuckles, picking you up. "luke!" you squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. he smiles and kisses you, but pulls away when the changing room door flies open. "hemmings!" harry potter scolds him. luke quickly puts you down. "the match is about to start and you're in here making out with your girlfriend?" harry laughs. "oh shut up, potter. i know you and ginny sneak in here all the time." luke says, grabbing his broom. "good luck!" you call to your boyfriend as he blows you a kiss and walks out to the field.

ashtonyou and ashton had been best friends ever since you got sorted into hufflepuff together, but over the years, he's grown feelings for you

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you and ashton had been best friends ever since you got sorted into hufflepuff together, but over the years, he's grown feelings for you. everyone could see it, but being the oblivious and humble little puff you are, you thought he didn't share the same feelings that you felt for him. you admired how he was always willing to help the first years and how kind he was to everyone he met. when it came time for the yule ball, you both had to talk to yourselves into asking the other person, and would constantly try to bring it up in conversation, but both became too flustered to get the words out. until one day, ashton plucks up enough courage to ask you. he walks up to you, biting his lip and playing with his fingers. "um y/n... wouldyougototheyuleballwithme?" he quickly asks. you were surprised, but smile wide. "yes!" ashton smiles, relieved, and nods. "cool." he made the night of the yule ball the best night of your life. that is, until he asked you to be his girlfriend a few days later.

michaela slytherin and a hufflepuff is not a match you see everyday, but for you and michael, it worked

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a slytherin and a hufflepuff is not a match you see everyday, but for you and michael, it worked. you were a soft, humble, a diligent worker and one of the most kindest people at hogwarts. on the other hand, michael was a rebellious prankster who didn't care about schoolwork, the rules, or anything else except you. one day he sneaks into the hufflepuff common room to find you sitting by the fire. "reading again, y/n?" he asks, climbing in through the barrels. you look up from your book and stand up when you realize it's your boyfriend. "michael! this isn't your common room, what are you doing?" you ask, dropping your book in the chair and walking over to him. "duh it's not my common room. i'm coming to get you." he smiles. "why?" "it's a surprise! come on." he says, taking your hand and leading you from the kitchens and down the corridor. "mikey, it's after curfew. what if we get caught?" "live a little, puff." he chuckles turning a corner leading to a dead end. he presses you against the wall, kissing you hard and just beginning your night of fun.

 he presses you against the wall, kissing you hard and just beginning your night of fun

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5sos imagines & preferences (with photos)Where stories live. Discover now