75. cuddles - ashton fluff

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this is from zairapvrker on tumblr! enjoy!


Ashton knew that you were the type of girl who would rather spend the night cuddled up with a book or in front of the TV, and he loved that about you. But when he'd invited you to come along to a party he'd organised with his fellow band mates, he'd seen a particular spark in your eyes he'd rarely noticed whenever he suggested such outings.

You'd accepted, thinking it'd make him happy to see you finally string along to one of his parties, since you always politely turned down his offers. You were sure a little socializing wouldn't hurt you, and maybe being with him and the rest of your firends would make you like these instances more.

It was safe to say you'd thought wrong.

It took a total of ten minutes to say hi to your friends, get a drink in both yours and Ashton's hands and then lose him in the crowded house.  You'd lounged by the kitchen area, which was particularly quiet, with the girls for a while but when they invited you to dance you'd shook your head no with a polite smile.

You were content with letting your eyes wonder around the living room-turned-dance floor, seeing Ashton have genuine fun with all his friends. Albeit being a little bored and unconfortable sitting alone with a cup in your hands, you wouldn't ruin your boyfriend's fun.

Ashton was pretty quick to notice your absence, though, when the girls strolled by and he didn't see you with them. He searched for you with his eyes, finally finding you sat at the kitchen island, still nursing the same drink you'd got when you first walked in. The decision was made on the spot. He'd widely appreciated your efforts of coming out partying with him, but wouldn't let you get any more uncomfortable than you already were.

"Hey" he threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to leave a kiss on your cheek. "What do you say we call it a night?"

Your eyes widened a little bit, you'd been here for barely an hour. "But you were having fun" you said, looking at him confused.

"Yup, but you weren't" he smiled sweetly, helping you off the stool and guiding you out the door, his hand holding yours gently.

Once you made it home you were quick to lay in bed, content with just being cuddled close; sharing soft kisses and ones that left you breathless while a movie that you'd both seen a thousand times played softly in the background.

"Thanks" you whispered looking at him. He cocked a brow in silent question, you smiled. "For leaving with me, you didn't have to"

Ashton held you even closer, resting his forehead against yours while you played gently with his curls. "Yeah, I did. Couldn't let my girl be uncomfortable knowing I'd dragged her there"

You giggled lightly. "You didn't drag me anywhere"

"Still" he shrugged, kissing you again. "I love you"

"And I love you" you sighed, content as your boyfriend let his head rest on your shoulder, leaving tender kisses every now and again.

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