143. their love languages

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this is from sadistmichael on tumblr!


how he receives love: Calum is rooted in a loving family, deep connections, and generally being level-headed in his daily life. Quality Time with those he loves is what grounds him. It makes him feel like he can take on the world as long as he's had time with those that make him feel the closest to his general philosophies of the world around him. Calum is rarely shaken by anything that happens around him because of this. He is centered in the love given to him by friends, his partner, and family. He is rarely seen outside of work responsibilities so he can have the time needed to rest and recharge--giving him an extremely strong foundation.

how he gives love: Physical Touch and Quality Time are the two kinds of love Calum gives freely. You can see that he loves to touch the people he loves, even in more subtle or playful ways. Quality time often goes unseen, but it means the world to Calum to give someone the same kind of love and security that makes him feel safe. He wants to connect by taking it slow with someone he cares about. Enjoying each other in the purest form. Making a moment out of the bustle of life.

how he receives love: Words of Affirmation seems to fit Luke like a glove. He loves being complimented. You can see him glow whenever someone tells him how much they like an element of his outfit or a piece of jewelry he's wearing. He talks about how he likes to dress the way he does because he doesn't like confrontation, and it's a conversation starter. I can see elements of Physical Touch in there as well, due to the way he gives gentle touches to people he loves. Luke is fairly easy to please because of this! Simple and effective--tell him how pretty he is with a hug.

how he gives love: I assume Luke gives love in the same way he likes to recieve it. He loves lifting others up, and wants them to feel as special as he does when he feels good! It's all about words and physical touch, being able to hold the one he loves (or be held by them) and tell them how much he loves them. He doesn't seem like the extravagant gift type. Making a home and life with his partner is all he could ask for--full of 'I love you', morning hugs, and snuggles with a pet.

how he receives love: You can tell that Ashton loves quality time. He feels loved when spending one-on-one time with the people he cares about. It doesn't have to be glamorous or planned days in advance. He just wants an undivided period of time to touch, connect, and speak to those he cares about. It fills him up--making him feel complete friendships and relationships alike. I assume he also likes Physical Touch, based on how he likes to reassure with a guiding hand or a hug with anyone he cares about. Spending that time is what makes him feel the safest, which explains why he can take breaks from being seen occasionally.

how he gives love: Ashton gives copious amounts of Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. It seems like he knows what to say about those he cares about the most to make them feel special, in addition to touching them the right way. I think of Ashton as very perceptive to the needs of others. The first to give a reassuring word to someone unsure of something, or even speak for them if needed. He wants to make sure that the people that he loves feel comfortable and are being treated the right way, even if it jeopardizes his own comfort.

how he receives love: Acts of Service seems to be Michael's low-key way of feeling secure. It doesn't show right away, but doing something for him to show you care is the way to his heart. Maybe making him lunch or taking care of a task he wouldn't dream of being done for him, no matter how small. I read Michael as easily overwhelmed by small details, so having someone he cares about take care of him in the smallest ways seems right up his alley. Though he values his alone time, the sheer thought his partner puts into daily life is what he adores.

how he gives love: Michael has the biggest heart in my eyes. He loves giving gifts, Physical Touch, and Words of Affirmation to those he loves. He would do anything for someone he cares about to feel safe. He would bend over backwards to make them happy, even if it means sacrificing his own wants. As long as he's comfortable, he will give until he can't stand it. A gentle hand on the back or a warm embrace is how he wants to let others know he cares. Holding someone's hand, getting them something they've always wanted, or just listening is how he makes others feel valued.

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