65. sleepy - luke fluff

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this is from calcurls on tumblr!


Luke's breath fanned across the back of your neck as he held you. Your back was pressed to his front as you laid close together on the small couch in the living room. He fell asleep about an hour ago and you couldn't bring yourself to move him upstairs to your shared bedroom.

His legs were tangled with yours as his one arm draped over your waist and held you to him so you wouldn't fall and his other arm rested under your head. Every once in a while you'd feel his breathing still as he'd nuzzle his nose into your neck then he'd exhale before returning back to a comfortable sleep. He completely melted your heart from how cute and cuddly he was while he slept.

When it finally became late enough for you to become too tired to stay awake, you decided it'd be more comfortable to sleep in bed. You removed yourself from Luke gently without even making him stir awake. You knelt down next to the couch and gently shook him awake.

"Come on babe," You softly said as he rolled on his back and rubs his face with his palms. "Let's get you to bed."

You stood back up as Luke sat up on the couch and you offered your hand to help him up. He grabbed your hand and you started to lead him down the hall before he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and laid his head down on top of your head.

"Luke." You giggled because you couldn't walk normally with him on you.

"Hhm." Luke hummed and moved his head down on to your neck and moved his feet back to give you room to walk; his arms around your waist only loosening a little.

You walked him up the stairs slowly until you two made it up them. You walked him into the bedroom thinking he'd go lay down in bed while you'd get ready, but he didn't let go of you.

"Go lay down, I'll be back in a minute." You said while grabbing his hands that was still securely wrapped around you.

"Uh uh, you're warm." Luke mumbled while shaking his head. Honestly, you didn't understand how his neck isn't sore yet, he's been standing at an awkward angle for nearly five minutes now.

You shook your head as you walked into the bathroom and brush your teeth. You giggled a little when you felt Luke's grip getting a little slack before a snore escaped his mouth and then his grip tightened around you again.

"Go to bed, silly. I'll be right there." You lightly giggled as you rinsed your tooth brush off and put it back in it's holder. Luke let go of you and stood up before rubbing his eyes again.

The tall boy towered over you, looking cute as ever as he reached down for your hand and intertwined your fingers. His actions resemble a tired five year old as he waits for you to be finished brushing your hair, still holding your hand.

Finally, he leads you back into the bedroom and he let's go of your hand to take his shirt off. You were already in your pajamas, so you climbed in bed with Luke already behind you following your actions.

You both got under the covers and Luke laid on top of you, nuzzling his head into your neck where he left a few kisses. You ran your fingers through his blonde hair as you slightly giggled at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

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