144. you do a tiktok/youtube trend on him

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sending dirty texts in public

after setting the weights back on the rack, you sigh and take a seat on the floor, drinking from your water bottle. you look across the gym to see your boyfriend squatting with his legs clenched and his butt out. his body was glistening with sweat and he was biting down on his lip in a way that made you feel some things. normally a workout wouldn't turn you on, but it's something about calum in those basketball shorts that get you worked up in more ways than one. you smirk to yourself, getting the perfect idea of what to do as calum takes a break to drink some water and check his phone. you grab your own from your bag and pull up your messages. you start sending him dirty texts, one after another. 'you look so sexy when you exercise' 'let's go home so we can shower together' 'or should we just go into a dressing room together right now?' you lift your head and wait to see his reaction. you tell from his movements that he opens the message and giggle to yourself as his eyes go wide. he looks up and around the room until he spots you, quickly making a beeline across the gym. "come on." he tells you, grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the ground. "where are we going?" you giggle. "a dressing room, like you said. you can't just text me things like that and not expect me to get a boner."

facetiming another guy prank

a new audio had been floating around tik tok that was used to prank someone's partner. it was hilarious to see the reactions in the short videos, but you wanted to try it yourself on your own boyfriend. you saved the sound and once luke got home that night, you planned your devious prank. after dinner, you two usually spend some time on the couch with petunia, watching netflix or hulu. tonight, you sat with your back against the arm of the sofa and your legs across luke's lap. it was perfect because he couldn't see the screen of your phone at all, so you pulled up tik tok and started a new video. you carefully selected the sound, making sure it didn't play prematurely. you positioned your phone to where it was recording the face of an oblivious luke while he flipped through the movie suggestions, and pressed the red button. you put on your best acting face asthe facetime audio begins to play and the man says, 'yo what's good shawty. your man still around?' luke's head snaps towards you and you cannot hold in laughter. he grabs ahold of your phone and looks at the screen, seeing it's a tik tok. he rolls his eyes and tosses your phone back to you as you cackle. "i got you!" "oh i'll get you back, don't worry."

"buttdialing" & moaning

you had been obsessed with couple pranks on youtube lately, especially the frisky ones. you saw one of your favorite youtubers do a prank on her boyfriend where she called him from the car pretending to have butt dialed him and started moaning, signaling that there was someone else she was with. it was genius and you wanted to see ashton's reaction to you doing the prank as well. it was all fun and games, so you tried to make it at least a little believable. "i'm going out for lunch with sierra. love you." you lie to ashton as you come downstairs, dressed like you're ready to go out. "have fun, babe. love you lots!" he kisses your cheek. you smile softly and walk out the door. you waited in your car for a few minutes before calling to begin thr prank. "hello?" ashton answers. "oh!" you moan, trying not to laugh. "babe?" he asks but you continue to moan, throwing in a 'right there' and 'yeah baby'. "y/n! what the hell!" ashton starts yelling, picking up on what's happening. "where are you? i'm on my way." you hear him say. you look to the front door and see him running to the driveway without any shoes, making you burst into laughter. he sees you in your car and stops, looking like a deer in headlights. "i pranked you!" you giggle, getting out of the car. "you scared me!" ashton pouts, crossing his arms. "aw don't worry bub, i'd never cheat on you." you promise, kissing him gently.

hiding another guy in the house

you quickly shove his arm into the small storage closet in the hallway as michael comes in through the front door. "hey babe!" you smile, as you lean your elbow against the door. "hi...?" michael knits his eyebrows together, looking at you suspiciously. "you're home early." you state. "yeah, petunia started choking so luke took her to the vet. why are you standing like that?" he asks, walking over to you. "what do you mean?" "i mean you look like you're hiding something." he chuckles. "nope, i just really love the smell of this door." you lie, letting out a fake laugh. "you're so weird. seriously, what are you doing? and why is your hair all messy?" he questions, ruffling your hair. "seriously i'm just sniffing this door, and i was doing a workout earlier so my hair—" you say but stop when you hear a small crash inside the closet. michael's expression turns cold and his face gets serious. "who is in there, y/n?" he asks, putting the pieces together. "no one." "i swear to god you better open that door right now or i will pry you off of it." "michael, please." you say before he pulls you away and swings the door open to find your 2014 michael clifford cardboard cutout was looking back at him. you start laughing, "i got you!" "y/n! i thought you were cheating on me!" he sighs, kicking the cutout gently. "i'd never." you tell him with a kiss on the cheek.

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