127. he gets in a fight

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


"You wanna say that again, jerk?" Calum asks, stepping forward to the half drunk bloke who has been hitting on you as well as insulting you the whole night. "Yeah, I do actually." He pushes your boyfriend, knowing he's about to snap. "Cal." Michael warns, seeing the anger in his friend's eyes. He grabs his arm in hopes of holding him back. "Let's just go home." You beg, obviously talking to Calum, but the guy smirks. "I'll take you up on that offer." He jokes to one of his mates beside him. "Don't talk to her like that," Calum spits, stepping closer. "She's a lady not an object for you to just have your way with." "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about, tough guy?" The guy questions, raising an eyebrow. He pushes Calum backwards to taunt him, and in seconds, the two boys were going at it. Ashton pulls you back out of the way of everyone, and you watch as Michael holds Calum back and the guy's friends try to break up the fight. "Cal, it's fine. Let's just go home." You tell him as he turns around to face you and the other boys. Breathing heavy with his jaw clenched, he nods and wraps an arm around you. "Fine." "Thank you." You mumble with a sigh. In the car, you rub the top of his thigh in order to calm him down. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. I should've listened to you and just backed off." Calum tells you, tilting his head in defeat. "It's okay, baby. It was cute to see you get all protective," you giggle, placing your hand on his cheek. "But I don't want to see you get hurt." "I won't get hurt! I'm Cal-Pal. Nothing can stop me." He smirks at you, making you roll your eyes. "You're so dumb." You laugh, kissing him softly.

Luke's temper was boiling as he was listening to the two guys he was standing next to at the bar, the two of them had been discussing about you for the past 15 minutes, and let me tell ya, it wasn't innocent things. Walking away with a drink in his hand and a straight face, he went over to the other guys, seeing you heading towards the bathroom. "I'm serious if those minions say one last thing about Y/N, I'll lose it." Luke said as he approached them. "What are they saying?" Michael asked, looking at the guys looking barely 1-2 years younger than them. "Disgusting things. They've been talking about her for too long." He mumbled, eyeing the guys as they were checking your butt out as you were walking back towards them. "Michael, get Y/N away." Luke mumbled not wanting you to see the ugly things that were going to happen. "No, Luke don't." Ashton said, trying to grab the tall blond-haired Aussie's upper arm, Calum doing the same thing, trying to stop the boy in progress. "I swear to god I'll break their heads off." Luke mumbled through gritted teeth marching towards the guys with Calum and Ashton in his heels. "I think you've seen enough." Luke announced as he approached the boys, and they gave him a weird look. "The girl over there?" He pointed towards you and Michael talking, "She's taken. By me. So I suggest that you find another cake in the bakery because this one is sold out." Luke spat but one of the guys didn't seem to bug by Luke's tall frame. "Make me, blondie." "Try saying that again with a fist in your mouth." Luke mumbled hitting the boy hard in the jaw with his fist, the boy instantly flying his fist towards Luke's face. The guys continued their little match as Luke hit the guy harder than what he thought, knocking the guy down to his knees. At the exact point, you had turned around, letting out a gasp as you saw the blood dripping down from Luke's knuckles and from his lip ring. It was like reality hit Luke as the guys pulled him away from the scene, all of them walking out of the club, you and Michael following suit after. None of you said a thing, but Luke took action, pulling you into his chest. "Man I never thought you'd have the balls to do that mate." Michael said shaking his head at him, the other guys nodding. A small blush appeared on Luke's cheeks, the original socially awkward guy coming back. "You're crazy." You mumbled into his chest. "And you're the cause." Luke snickered, giving Calum his hand as he started to clean his knuckles. "And it was hella hot." You admitted, the other guys starting to holler as the redness in his cheeks only increased by your words.

"What happened to you?" you gasp as Ashton comes through the back door, entering the kitchen where you're standing at the stove cooking dinner. His nose is dripping blood and his eye is beginning to bruise. "Nothing," he states simply, making his way towards the bathroom. You switch off the stove and follow him. "Where's the ointment?" he asks, sifting through the medicine cabinet and angrily shoving things from side to side. You slap his hand away from the shelves, telling him to settle down and let you handle it. "Sit down, I'll get it." He does as you say, heaving a frustrated sigh as he takes a seat on the lid of the toilet. You pluck a few tissues out of the box and hand them to him so he could hold them against his nose. You find the anti bacterial ointment and gently rub it across the cut on his lip and at the base of his nose. "Do you think it's broken?" You ask, and he shakes his head in response. After giving him a few minutes to calm down you ask, "Mind telling me what happened, now?" Ashton sighs, "It's not even worth getting into. It was dumb." "Not gonna argue with you there," You mutter, chuckling softly and placing a bandaid to the cut on his nose. "Ouch," he winces at the pressure against his tender nose. "You're a mess," you observe. "Tell me about it," he says sarcastically, letting out a dry laugh. You run a cloth under warm water for a minute before placing it to his darkening eye. "Come on, let's go lay down for a little while," you suggest. Ashton follows you into the bedroom where you two cuddle up on the bed to give him some time to recuperate after whatever it was he had just gotten himself into.

Walking into your shared home with Michael, you could hear his frustrated yells coming from the bedroom. You greet Southy and Moose with a pet on the head and make your way upstairs to see what your boyfriend was so upset about. You push open the door to his office, the two dogs running inside first. Michael notices and sighs, throwing his hand that wasn't holding the phone up in the air. "Get out, nosy dogs!" He says, standing up to walk them out of the room, but stops when he sees you standing in the doorway. You looked concerned and frightened, never having seen him act like this before. "I gotta go, we can finish this later." He tells whoever he was on the phone with. "No! You're not making any decisions without me. Got it? Good." He says and hangs up, throwing his phone on the bed and running his hands through his hair with a sigh. "Tough day?" You ask, earning a glare from Michael. "You have no idea." "Wanna talk about it?" You walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his body and resting your chin on his chest, looking up at him. "No, I just want to kiss my girl." He says, leaning in to connect his lips to yours.

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