24. the maze runner au

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I really like writing these au's based off movies & tv shows so if you have any specific ones you want me to do, just comment! the vampire diaries, divergent & a few others are already coming up ;)


a loud buzzing noise comes from the other side of glade, signaling the box was coming up once again. "let's go get the greenie." your friend says, standing up from her bed and walking out of your shared tent. you set the half made basket down on your bed and make a mental note to come finish it later. you jog over to the metal doors along with the rest of the girls in the glade. the box reveals itself and you jump down into the cage. curled up in the corner was a curly haired figure wearing cargo pants and a white t-shirt. "it's a boy." you tell the girls surrounding the box. some of them gasp, this being the first boy to enter the glade. he uses his hand to shade his eyes as he looks up into the bright sun. you get closer to him and crouch down. "hey, i'm y/n, you're gonna be okay." you console him, knowing how scary it is to come up in the box, not knowing what's going on, where you're at, or even who you are. "we're gonna help you, okay?" you tell him, holding your hand out to help him up. he grabs onto it, pulling himself up onto his feet. you gasp, finally being able to see his face. you couldn't remember much about the boy, but you knew him from somewhere. "calum?"

you slowly made your way out of the maze back towards the glade, your ankle slowing you down. you and your running partner had got caught by some grievers. fortunately, you made it away with only a broken ankle. your partner however didn't make it away at all. you wiped the tears from your eyes and sighed, hobbling towards the large cement doors. it was almost sundown, meaning the entrance to the maze would soon be closed off. no one has ever survived a night in the maze. if you didn't make it out in time, you wouldn't be so lucky as to get away with just a broken ankle this time. in the distance you hear rumbling— the maze was shifting. the doors were closing. you curse under your breath, picking up your speed. you could hear the gladers calling yours and your partners name at the door. you begin running on your bad ankle, wincing every step you took. you finally turn the corner to the glade and see the exit getting narrower and narrower. "y/n!" your boyfriend luke yells, pushing his way to the front of the crowd. "my ankle!" you cry out, going as fast as you can. suddenly, you see luke push himself in between the tall doors, running at you as fast as he can. he swiftly picks you up, running back through the entrance just in time. you breathe heavily and sit on the ground once your boyfriend sets you down. "thank you." you whisper, cupping luke's face and kissing him gently on the lips. "you're not getting away from me last easily." he smirks.

"it's this way, ashton." you tell your running partner as the two of you make your way through the maze. "no y/n, it's to the left." he says. "fine fine, you go left I'll go straight." "we're not suppose to split up, though." "well you're too stubborn to come my way." you say with raised eyebrows. ashton chuckles, "and you're not being stubborn as well?" "shut up, irwin. meet me back here in 5 minutes." you say, running off into another section of the maze. you hear ashton's footsteps get softer as he runs off in another direction, but then they seem to get louder again. why couldn't he just listen and go his own way? you turn around to scold him. "ash, I—" you freeze. standing about 50 feet away from you wasn't ashton, but a griever. your eyes widen and you gulp, slowly moving towards the maze wall. while hiding yourself among the leaves and branches as best you could, the griever walks by like nothing was there. you let out a sigh you were holding in, thinking all was well until you heard ashton's voice from around the corner. "hey y/n, you were right! it was your way." he says. you quickly stand up as the griever turns around to face your direction. "ashton! run!" you yell, running back the way you came, colliding with ashton while doing so. "what?" he asks confused. the griever screeches, making ashton's eyes widen. you grab his hand and run as fast as you can with him out of the maze.

you huddled by the fire, wrapped in a small, itchy blanket. you stared into the flames, wondering how this all happened. how you got here, why you were here and how you were going to get out. you had only been in the glade for a few days but were so ready to leave. this place was not for you. hi antic killer spider machines, living like you're on the prairie, people getting infected. it was a nightmare. the only thing that seemed to soothe the reality of being in the glade was michael. he was the one who first got you out of the box. he showed you around, helped you remember your name and calmed your nerves. it didn't hurt that he was insanely attractive either. "hey," you hear his voice. you sit up and look behind you to see the boy walking towards you. he steps over the log you're sitting on, taking a seat beside you. "are you cold?" he chuckles. you smile and look back at the fire. "a bit." michael wraps his arm around you, scooting closer. "how are you feeling today?" he mumbles, wanting to make sure you're mentally stable. "getting better." you sigh, knowing that you'll have to accept your fate sooner or later. "I know it sucks balls, but I'll be here to help you, okay?" he tells you, making you giggle. you turn to look at him, the sincerity of his statement showing in his eyes. "thank you, michael." you smile. when he smiles back, you see him glance at your lips. feeling the same connection, you lean in and kiss his lips gently. suddenly you hear cheers from afar "greenie's getting some!" newt calls. you blush, pulling away while michael flips him off.

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