187. they're a prince

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You pulled the sheets around yourself as you slipped off the bed, making your way to the piano to sit on the bench, right next to Calum. He shifted to the side without missing a beat, and you let your head rest on his shoulder as he continued playing with one hand, his arm curling around your waist to pull you closer. You've tried to follow the pattern his fingers were playing, your own digits pushing on the keys of the piano, and Calum chuckled, pressing his lips against your cheek. "You're terrible at this." "Not all of us were taught how to play an instrument," you made a comment, still trying to follow the notes he was playing. "Some of us spent their time learning how to make soups and pâtés, and fancy meat dishes that even fancier pretty princes won't be eating because they have decided to follow a trend of eating plants." "Ouch, that was harsh," he pretended to be shocked, but the smile was still on his face. "He must be terrible." "Well, I keep him fed, so he's not gonna die before the crown is put on his head," you finally pulled your hand away, letting it tangle together with the fingers resting on your waist. "We don't want everyone's favourite prince to starve." "Aren't you just selfless?" he rolled his eyes, reaching for the pack of cigarette on top of the piano, lighting one and taking a quick drag before blowing the smoke out. "You know that's terrible for your health," you poked his cheek, and he laughed, kissing your knuckles and putting them back down on his knee. "The plants are balancing it out for me, I'm sure," he gave you a toothy grin, taking another drag. "And I also have you annoying the hell out of me to take care of myself." "I'm just worried about you," you huffed as he fixed the sheets around you, pressing a kiss on your shoulder where the blanket didn't cover you. "You've been looking tired lately." "I'm fine darling, really," he rested his elbow on the piano, leaning his head against his palm as he looked at you. "It's just all royal this and royal that going on around me. You know I don't care about any of this." "But you're the crown prince," you pulled your legs up on the bench, and Calum rubbed your ankle softly. "You're the next in line." "If I wouldn't be here then Mali could be queen," he put out his cigarette, waving his hand around to clear the air from the smoke. "She would be the absolute best, trust me. The people adore her." "And what would you want to do?" you asked, slipping a little closer and Calum put his arms around you, pulling you into his lap again. "What would you do if you were free?" "Run away with the prettiest kitchen girl I've ever known," he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, and you felt yourself blush, burying your face in his neck. "Cause she wouldn't let me starve, no matter what." "I take it back, you are the worst." you shook your head against his chest, and you felt him chuckle, kissing your temple. "Will you still say this..." he suddenly picked you up again, and you stifled your giggles against his neck as he put you down on the bed, slowly peeling back the sheets covering your body. "...if I show you just how much I enjoy eating anything that you could offer to me?" "You're sure it's to your taste?" you gave him a pointed look, his fingers lightly running up and down your thighs, his lips pressing kisses higher and higher. "Well, it's a delicacy," Calum kissed your lower stomach before looking up at you, giving you a cheeky smile. "Only fit for a prince, right?"

Little prince!Luke always being chased by his older brothers so one day he decided he likes it better to play with you, the young daugter of one of the kitchen maids and sometimes you'd run through the halls and almost crash into expensive crystal vases or against tables and you'd poke each other until you giggle so much your stomach hurts and you'd venture into the library and spend hours flipping through old books, reading tales about knights and dragons and bravery and sometimes, especially during the summer the two of you would take his telescope out onto the lawn at night and look at the stars and lay on the grass and have the deepest conversations 6-year-old's can have. Getting older, you guys come up with new tricks to play on his private teacher every day so Luke can ditch school and spend time with you instead, every day a new adventure. But as he turns 16, his parents forbid him to spend time with you anymore, after all, you're just a kitchen maid's daughter who's destination it is to become a maid herself and from that day on he is forced to learn what a prince must learn in order to become a good king one day, not that he doesn't want to, he wants to be a good ruler one day just like his dad, but he misses his best friend so much whom he could always laugh with and had the wittiest conversations with and who always used to brighten up his day simply by smiling at him and as he is forced to fill his mind with fighting strategies and rules of king-like behaviour and etiquette, you are downstairs in the kitchens, receiving orders from the chef and trying hard to not screw up to make your mom proud while simultaneously wondering what your formally known best friend is up to. When it's prince!Luke's 18th birthday, there's a ball at the castle and of course his dad, the king, invited almost every girl in the country that could be an option for his son and your heart hurts because over the years, you've kind of developed a crush on him, watching him growing up and becoming a handsome, clever, fair and brave man... being the girl in the shadows, just another maid, the friend he apparently forgot about over time. This night is really stressful down in the kitchens, but your mother manages to get you out of there somehow, because of course she knows about your feelings and she wants to give you the opportunity to properly say 'goodbye' to the idea of you & Luke, so you watch the people dancing in the candle light, laughing, nipping at champagne flutes, having fun quietly from a distant hallway, the light from the ballroom shining onto your face, you can almost feel it's warmth on your skin - As a quiet, but friendly voice gets you out of your trance and you turn around to see princess!Lauren, the little sister of prince!Ashton, one of prince!Luke's best friends, standing behind you, accompanied by prince!Luke's cousin princess!Allison, both wearing pretty ball gowns, dresses so sparkly and beautiful you could swear you've never seen something prettier. They're smiling and then princess!Lauren asks you with that quiet voice of hers why you're not at the ball, why you're watching from a cold hallway and you have to choke on tears as you explain that you're not allowed to because you're a simple maid and the next moment, they drag you upstairs to the room Allison is staying in while visiting her cousin to do your hair and make-up while Lauren picks out a dress for you with a giddy voice that you're not a simple maid and how Luke would never shut up about you whenever he's with other people lately and that she can't stand seeing him being forced into something she knows he doesn't want and then Allison chiming in, saying that they don't want him to live an unhappy life and that you'd be the right one for him and you simply can't believe it, you just sit there, kinda paralyzed, and let them do their thing until you don't look like a dirty kitchen maid at all anymore but like a beautiful princess and then they drag you downstairs again and you almost lose your shoe on the stairs and after bending down, you stand up straight again, wanting to smooth out the fabric immediately - You're faced with a familiar blonde headed boy's eyes, burning holes into your face, wearing a look of surprise and questioning astonishment (and a black suit that just fits perfectly everywhere). Prince!Luke's voice is smooth, calm, soothing your nerves, as he compliments your dress and then asks you if you'd give him the honour to dance the next dance with him and all you can say is 'yes, of course', taking the arm he offers you and going into the ballroom with him. You can see Lauren and Allison high-fiving each other from the corner of your eye, and you feel the people in the room stare at you, wondering who that mysterious beautiful girl is while you and Luke dance the whole night (even though he's not the best dancer) and at some point later, he takes your hand and pulls you with him, the two of you sneaking out of the castle. Ending up on the lawn, looking a the sky. As you feel Luke's hand reaching out for yours, his warm palm holding you in a secure grip, his pointing finger rubbing little circles on the back of your hand, you're feeling more at peace than you've felt for a long long time. Here, under the stars and with the open sky, next to the boy who possibly most likely is your soulmate, you're happy.

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