147. bad boy & innocent girl

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


omg so just imagine dating stoner!calum, the most popular bad boy on campus, which was shocking to everyone considering you were basically a princess. you know, the innocent, wealthy, honor roll student who would rather stay in than party on saturday nights, but even though you two were complete opposites, you were head over heels for each other. and it was the cutest thing bc one day, you and calum were sitting on the rooftop of your penthouse and he was smoking a blunt while you sat in between his legs with your back pressed against his front. and the more you thought about how innocent you were the more curious you got about calum's badboy lifestyle so you reached for his joint and he'd totally crack up laughing, "what the hell do you think you're doing princess?" he'd smirk, "come on calum, i'm an adult, i can make my own decisions." you glare at him "okay, here" he holds it out with an amused smirk. "really?" you ask, a bit surprised at his response. "yeah, why not" he laughed, and omg you grabbed the joint between shaky fingers and he'd just smile knowing how this would end and you'd end up almost coughing to death as soon as you inhaled , so calum would cackle at your pouting, rubbing your back and removing his joint from your grip and taking a drag, "don't get into what i'm into. you're perfect the way you are dollface"

you finished the last of your food, excusing yourself from the table. "y/n, where do you think you're going?" you half turned to face your mother who asked. "upstairs. i need to study. big final coming up tomorrow." you said. your mom nodded and you got to your room, switching the light on and locking the door. you begin to strip, intent being to change into comfy pajamas, but a small tap on the window told you otherwise. you waltzed over the window, the thought of changing far from your mind as you pulled on the blinds. the same dark clothed boy i've been seeing for the past nine months sat on t he windowsill, his lip in between his teeth and his tongue poking at the black lip ring. his eyes widened as he saw your appearance, but before he could gesture to anything, you slid the window up, letting him in. he stepped into the room, shutting the window and closing the blinds behind him. he leaned against your desk, his eyes still scoping your half naked body. you rolled your eyes, turning around and slipping on one of his tee shirts that he left here. "you look good in my clothes, babe." you scoffed, turning back around so you were facing him. "what are you doing here, luke?" he shrugged, moving his hands to grip your  waist. "just thought i'd come to say hello to my favorite girl." he gave you a kiss, making you smile. despite what everyone said about his appearance, he was a real sweetheart.  "well hello, but my parents are downstairs and they think i'm studying." he smirked down at you, pressing his lips to yours in passionate kiss. "then i guess we'll just have to keep quiet."

okay but think about how badboy!ashton would have a soft side reserved only for you because even though he acted like a douche to everyone else, there was just something about you helping him with math after school and being always so nice to him despite all of the rumors circulating the school (and you were kinda hot) that made him drop his cocky and arrogant attitude and show you his gentle and caring side and so after the semester ends and you helped him get an a int he class, he would go out and buy you a gift for christmas and on christmas eve he would go over to your house in the freezing cold and lay the small package on your doorstep and ring the doorbell and then run away as fast as his numb legs would let him and you'd look around outside to see a head duck behind his old mustang on the other side of the street before seeing the sloppily wrapped gift with your name scribbled in a boy's handwriting and take it inside, giggling softly and slowly unwrapping it to see that someone had bought you a beautiful black dress and a pair of small diamond earrings and there'd be a little note attached that said 'meet me tomorrow night at that nice restaurant near the school? x ash'

You'd always known what you'd be getting into being with Michael. He'd never hidden who he was, never lied to you about what he did. Michael had been upfront and honest that he was a member of the Cobras, and you'd fallen in love with him all the same. The door opening and closing made you stir from where you'd fallen asleep on the sofa. Sitting up, you reached for your phone, noticing the time read 3:26am. Your eyes lifted at the same time Michael walked in, and you couldn't help but let them settle on the dark stain on his shirt, or the bruises forming on his right hand. "Who did you murder this time?" You joke. He doesn't respond and you meet his eyes, only to find a look on his face you'd never seen before. "Mike?" "I...he...um..." As he stuttered you stood up and he practically fell into your open arms. You felt his body shake, and you only tightened your arms when you feel damp against your neck. "M' sorry." "You don't have to apologise." "I hate you seeing me weak." "It's okay to cry, it doesn't mean you're weak. It means you've been strong too long." You tell him, hands moving to his face to pull him to look at you. "What happened tonight?" "A fight. No murders, I promise." He shrugs, gripping your hips. "I don't know, this one just got to me." "That's okay." You nod, eyes scanning his face. "You're thinking about something." He half smiles, forehead dropping to yours. "I notice the way your eyes sparkle when you think, it's cute." "I just worry about you," You smile back, hands moving to his chest. "Comes with the whole I love you thing." "Ha. Right." He nods, brushing his lips to yours. "I love you too Princess." "Glad to know."

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