46. "it was just a dream."

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you laugh, running down the hallway of your home. "come back here!" your husband, calum calls, running after you. you giggle and jump, landing on your side on the leather couch. he does the same thing, landing on top of you. "ah!" you screech, bursting into laughter. "you thought you could get away from me that easily?" he smirks, putting one hand on your waist and one hand in your hair. you just smile in response, looking up at the love of your life. "what?" calum asks, knitting his eyebrows together but continuing to smile. "i just love you, that's all." you smile, running a finger along his jawline, admiring his beauty. "aw babe," he smiles, blushing slightly. "i love you too." he mumbles, sticking his face into your neck and kissing your skin softly. you close your eyes, enjoying the moment. once you open them again, you're in your bed. alone. in the dark and in the cold. your heart sinks as you realize it was a just a dream. calum had been taken from you a few days before after battling a vicious sickness. you'd give anything to laugh with him once more.

you sat next to luke, holding his hand and admiring his peaceful features. ever since he was admitted into the hospital, it has been hard for the both of you. after multiple treatments and tests, it was evident that there was nothing more that could be done for your boyfriend. luke was strong, but unfortunately his cancer was stronger. "y-y/n." luke whispers. you look up at him with raised eyebrows, your full attention on him. "i love you... so much." he smiles softly, blinking slowly. you smile back at his pale face and run a hand through his hair. he closes his eyes, relaxing at your touch. "i love you too, luke." you tell him. that was the last confirmation he needed. a few seconds later, his monitor begins beeping rapidly as luke falls under. you stand up quickly and look around. "luke! luke!" you cry, not ready to lose him yet. he doesn't respond, but instead his heart stops. tears fill your eyes as two nurses come into the hospital room and unplug his cord. "no no no it wasn't his time yet!" you tell them, clinging onto your boyfriend's arm. "y/n, let go. let go!" you hear another guy's voice say. you turn around to see who's talking to and find yourself sitting up in your bed. "baby, are you okay?" luke asks, sitting up beside you. sweat clings to your forehead as you look around, realizing you were home and luke was alive. "i thought you died." you sigh, hugging him tightly. "no baby, I'm right here. it was just a dream."

"get off me, y/n." your boyfriend grumbles, pushing you off of him. you frown at his actions, only wanting to give him a hug. "what's wrong?" you ask, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. "nothing." he replies coldly. "ash, come on." you tell him. "no." "you can tell me anything, i'm your girlfriend." "well I don't want you to be." he says, making you freeze. "you... you don't want me to be?" you repeat him. ashton rolls his eyes and looks away from you. "i obviously don't love you anymore, y/n. i don't know why you're still here." tears fill your eyes at his words. brushing a tear from your cheek, you close your eyes. once you open them again, you're in your bed. "y/n?" you hear ashton's voice. you turn your head and see your boyfriend laying beside you, the bright sun peeking in through the window. "i just had the worst nightmare." you sigh, laying your head on his chest. "i thought so," he says, pulling you closer. "you were squirming in your sleep. but don't worry, love. it was just a dream."

"we need to talk." you tell your boyfriend, turning to him on the couch. "what's up?" michael asks, pausing love island as it plays on the television. "i don't think i can do this anymore." you say. "watch tv? okay, we can go outside if you want." "no, michael... i can't do us anymore." you clarify. he looks at you blankly for a few seconds, making sure he heard you correctly. then, tears begin to form in his eyes. "y-you're breaking up with me?" michael asks, his voice shaking slightly. you bite your lip, trying to not cry at the sight of him crying. "i—" "but why? i love you, y/n." he tells you softly. you look down at your hands, heart broken at how much you're hurting him. "it just doesn't feel the same anymore," you take a deep breath. "we've been off for too long." you look back up at michael to see him looking at his hands now. he doesn't say anything for a few moments, making you wonder what he's thinking. "mikey, look at me." you say, putting your hand on his. michael lifts his head and a bright light shines before him. "mikey, look at me." you repeat, shaking him slightly. michael sits up in bed, looking around him as he comes out of his nightmare. "are you okay? you were whimpering in your sleep." you tell him, putting your hand on his cheek. he sighs and tries to slow his breathing. "i had a dream you broke up with me..." he mumbles, putting his hand over yours. "aw, babe," you frown. "that's all it was. it was a just a dream. you're stuck with me." you smile and pull him close.

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