141. he mentions you during a concert

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y/s/n = your ship name


you screamed and clapped as the boys finished another song in the concert. you were so excited to be there to support them and even more excited to see them backstage after the show— especially your boyfriend. you smile wide as you see calum step up to the microphone and the spotlight shines down on him. "los angeles how we feeling right now?" he asks, and the crowd screams. "are you feeling good?" he asks again, and laughs as the fans scream louder. "well i'm glad to hear it. thank you so much for being here with us," he says, lowering his voice once again. "so, tonight is a very special night for a couple of reasons. number one, i get to play with my brothers on stage," cal points to luke, ashton and michael. "number two, my beautiful girlfriend y/n is here tonight," he says, smiling at the thought of seeing you after so many weeks of touring. "and number three, i'm with some of my closest friends in la— you guys!" you smile wide as he mentions you and even wider at his admiration for his fans. calum's always had the biggest heart, and you don't think you could ever fall out of love with him.

you watch from backstage as luke steps up to the microphone. "new york, are we still alive out there?" he asks and the stadium screams as loud as they can. you, kaykay and crystal clap and give some soft 'woops' for your boyfriends. "thank you all so much for coming out today. so the next song we're gonna sing is a very special song to 5 seconds of summer, and to me especially," he pauses and briefly looks over at you, then back to the crowd. from his actions, you could tell what song they were playing next, and it was your favorite. "i wrote this song about a year into my relationship with my girlfriend, and i meant every word then as well as now. so y/n, this song is dedicated to you." he smiles softly and they boys begin playing 'best years'. you smile wide, putting your hands over your mouth as you listen to his beautiful voice. "you got a million reasons to hesitate, but all of our future's better than yesterday." luke sings so gracefully, and you feel yourself starting to tear up. "aw babe, don't cry." crystal says, hugging you. "he's too sweet." you say as kaykay joins in on the hug. "y/s/n forever." she says.

"how we feeling, london?" you watch from backstage as ash shouts into the mic, standing up behind his drum kit to speak to the crowd. "give it up for my brothers up on stage— luke, calum and michael," he smiles at his three best friends as the fans cheer. "now tonight we have something very special planned for you. it's also very special to me and y/n," you laugh as the fans scream for you, always grateful to have them be so accepting of yours and ashton's relationship. "this is a new song and it happens to be mine and y/n's favorite. if you know it, let me hear you! this is called wildflower." he finishes his talk, sliding the microphone back into the stand as the crowd screams in excitement to hear the song. the boys begin to play and you away along to the beat of your favorite 5sos song. smiling, ash glances over at you and blows a kiss to which you blow one back in return.

"sydney! you have no idea how amazing it is for us to be back in our home country to play for you incredible people tonight!" michael steps up to the mic and smiles to the crowd as he begins his segment of talking. "we've had so much fun being back in the place where it all started for us. we got to go back to the annandale hotel and show our girls around the city which has been amazing," he continues and the fans cheer at the mention of the boys' girlfriends. "i know y/n has loved walking around, seeing where i grew up and meeting some of you awesome fans!" he says, making the crowd scream louder. "sometimes i think you like her more than me," he chuckles, looking over to you as you stood backstage with a huge grin on your face. "anyways, let's get onto the next song, shall we?" michael smiles. "this is disconnected. sing it as loud as you can!"

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