79. high school au

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how could you be failing music class? you loved music, why was this so hard for you? after a long discussion with your teacher, he finally gave you a chance to bring your grade back up by performing a song you wrote. the problem with that was you were terrible at writing. your teacher had told you that you could get a classmate to help knowing your lack of creativity in the lyric department. you knew who the best writer in the class was. it was calum, your ex-best friend. the two of you were the best of friends growing up, but then in high school he started ignoring you. now it was the 11th grade and if you wanted to go into a music career, you needed to bring this grade up. you knew calum stayed after class to practice piano, so you stayed behind as the rest of the class filed out of the classroom. you took a breath, about to speak, but calum did before you could, "you want me to help you bring your mark up don't you? i know you're not doing very well, y/n." you were a bit shocked as this was the first time in 3 years that you had heard calum's voice directed towards you. "well, yeah. i have to write this song, and then perform it in front of the class, and i have no problem with the music part, it's just the lyrics i have a hard time with. you don't have to help me though, you're probably busy, i can come up with something myself. you know what- it's fine i-" "i see you haven't lost that habit where you babble on," he chuckled. "i'll help you, but i'm not going to write the whole song for you." "i know i know, thank you so much, calum." you thanked him and began working. a couple hours later, you couldn't stop laughing at the joke calum had told you. you haven't laughed this hard in a while. you missed this. you missed calum. you wondered what suddenly made him drop you as a friend? and so you asked. "i- i just, i guess it was because i had this huge crush on you, and i thought if we stopped being friends, then it would go away, but it never did. i thought maybe if i didn't talk to you every day, and be around you, then my feelings would go away. at one point i thought they did, but then i saw you in the hallway one day, and you were laughing with one of your friends, and i just got this feeling, and i couldn't deny the feelings anymore. they were still there, and were stronger. i know i was a jerk, and never should of treated you-" you cut him off with your own lips, kissing his softly, and conveying that you felt the same. "and i see you picked up the habit to always babble on."

luke was your best friend, and secret boyfriend. the two of you were known for your constant bickering during lunch and free periods. at first, people thought the two of you might of been step-siblings, but the two of you were too touchy-feely for that to be true. the reason the two of you decided to keep your relationship a secret (besides from your closes friends and family) was because luke was this popular boy, that everyone had a crush on, while you were the quiet, drama kid who was his best friend. one day after school, luke appeared at your locker, a smirk on his face. "hey, geek." he greeted. "goodbye, loser." you rolled your eyes playfully, grabbing your bag and closing your locker. you started walking, luke following you. "we still up for our study date?' he asked, taking your bag and slinging it over his own shoulder, something he did quite often. "can't. the drama teacher called a last minute rehearsal, the show's in less than two weeks and we need as much practice as we can get." he pouted in response.you sighed, looking around quickly before pecking his lips quickly, and taking your bag from him. "i'll call you later okay? get home safe." you smiled, about to walk away, but he pulled you back quickly, kissing you once again. "i'll never get sick of that." a few rehearsals later and it was show night. it was a huge turn out, and you were nervous to say the least. there was a knock on the door, before the assistant director popped her head in, saying there was 5 minutes to show time. you nodded. not even two minutes later, there was another knock on your door, and this time in came luke. "hey, babe." he greeted, an easy smile gracing his lips. you got up, running over and hugging him tightly, he'd calm you down, he always did. "i'm nervous, lukey." "don't be, you'll be amazing, you always are." he rubbed up and down your arms softly, kissing your forehead. "get out there, babe. put on an amazing show." and you did, you got a standing ovation and afterwards, when luke ran backstage after the show, giving you flowers, before kissing you in front of the whole cast and crew, you didn't have a care in the world. sure, your secret relationship wouldn't be so-secret anymore, but neither of you cared.

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