56. halloween costume party (with photos)

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"calum stop moving!" you laugh, trying to place the fake blood on your boyfriend. "it tickles." he giggles, scrunching his nose up. you finish applying it to his face then take a step back, placing the cap back on the bottle. "there." you tell him. calum stands up and looks in mirror at your work. "wow, you did good!" he smiles, seeing the realistic looking special fx makeup. you stand beside him, looking at your couples costume. you two were going as bonnie and clyde, mostly because calum just wanted to wear fake blood. seeing him get all giddy about dressing up for halloween was the cutest, but you also loved the idea so you weren't mad about it at all. "are we ready to go to the party now?" calum asks. "yep, let me just get my bag." you tell him, walking into the bedroom and grabbing your small backpack. "let's go, clyde we've got some people to kill." you tell him. "of course, bonnie." he chuckles.

luke"oh shoot

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"oh shoot." luke says as you show him your halloween costume. "what? you don't like it?" you ask, looking at yourself in the mirror. the two of you planned to go to ashton's halloween party as a prisoner and prison guard. it wasn't too cliché, and luke loves a girl in uniform so you thought it would be the perfect costume. "like it? I love it," he says, watching you twirl in the mirror. "I just don't know how I'm gonna keep my hands off of you tonight." he admits. you laugh, walk over to him and place your hands on his chest. "calm down before I put you back in your cell." you joke with your boyfriend. luke raises his eyebrows and gulps while looking at you, obviously turned on by your words. you roll your eyes and laugh. "come on, everyone's waiting." you say, pulling him down the stairs. "it's gonna be a long night." he sighs.

ashton "woah you two look great!" calum smiles as he walks up to you and ashton

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"woah you two look great!" calum smiles as he walks up to you and ashton. you and your boyfriend were dressed as purgers and he was dressed in a green and yellow superhero costume. "she does look pretty good in that outfit, doesn't she?" ashton smirks, wrapping an arm around your waist and looking you up and down. "heck yeah." calum replies, making ashton shoot him a glare. "that was very much a rhetorical question for you, hood." "ash he was just being nice." you chuckle, patting your boyfriend's chest. "you better be glad the purge isn't actually real, or else you'd be dead." ashton jokes. "like you could kill me! i'm cal pal." calum retorts, putting his hands on his hips. "you can't spell smash without ash."

michaelyou move your body to the beat of the music, feeling the alcohol take over your body

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you move your body to the beat of the music, feeling the alcohol take over your body. you close your eyes and dance around, flailing your fake hammer all around in the air. the flashing strobe lights paired with the beat drops of the song was creating fun as well as sexy mood lighting for the halloween party. you suddenly open your eyes once again when you feel two hands place themselves on your hips, the body attached to those hands being behind you. "hey babe, why don't you put this away and let me do the hammering tonight." you recognize your boyfriend michael's voice as he's whispering in your ear. you tilt your head back to rest it on his shoulder and softly grind against him. "that was a terrible line," you smirk, looking at him. "but you look really hot right now so you can do whatever you want to me, joker."


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