51. you like him but he has a girlfriend

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you thought you couldn't experience any more pain than the heartbreak you felt when calum introduced his new girlfriend to the group. you tried to be happy for your best friend and his love, but it was very difficult to do with their and your crush on cal. watching the two grow closer, cuddle, kiss and fall in love made your stomach sick. you weren't the one to share your feelings, so you never told calum how you felt, and you definitely weren't the one to break up a happy couple, so you decided against ever telling him. you now contemplated if that was the right decision to make as you stare at the card you received in the mail. it was a wedding invitation. calum's wedding invitation. even more pain than ever before struck your heart, causing you to burst into tears right there in the middle of your kitchen. you sobbed, realizing you'll never know what you could have happened with calum if you had mustered up the courage to simply tell him that you were interested.

you scrolled through luke's instagram, looking at photo's of him and his girlfriend, sierra. they were perfect together. an adorable couple who had the same humor and shared a love for music. when you introduced your best friend to the boys, sierra going for luke was the last thing you thought would happen. you hadn't pegged the lanky boy as her type but the more she hung out with the group, the more it became obvious. they were interested in one another. you hadn't mentioned your crush on luke to anyone besides calum, so you had no excuse to be mad at them. you actually were quite happy for your friends, knowing they have had some rough patches in their love lives. being the selfless person you are, you hide your pain with a smile at the new couple in your friend group. fortunately, calum's comforting eases some of that pain. "don't waste your time feeling sad when you have so many other beautiful reasons to be happy. if it's meant to be, you two will find your way to one another." calum encourages, rubbing your back as you cry into his shoulder. "thank you, cal." you sniff, smiling softly at the boy you were so grateful to have as a friend. however, it was quite ironic for him to be cheering you up when he has to tell himself those same words, knowing you're interested in luke and not him.

"why does she have to come with us to everything?" you whisper. you sighed at luke but you watched ashton and his girlfriend from afar. spending friday nights with your best friends was your tradition, but ever since your crush got himself a girl, she's been joining in on the fun as well. "because they're dating." luke responds matter-of-factly while pouring a handful sunflower seeds into his mouth. you glare at your friend and punch him in the arm, making him choke on the seeds that were in his mouth. "ugh. that hurt!" luke pouts. "I know they're dating, idiot. it's just annoying having her around us all the time." you frown, looking at ashton once again. your crush on the brown haired boy appeared the first day you met him. unfortunately, another girl got to him first. now all you're left with are small exchanges and quick smiles, longing to be the one that he cuddles and kisses instead.

you watched from across the yard as michael and crystal play in the pool. ashton being himself suggested that your friend group have a pool party since summer would be ending soon. you were glad to say yes, not realizing that the whole group meant that michael's girlfriend was invited too. crystal's gorgeous, and you liked the girl plenty, but wished it was you that was with michael instead of her. you wanted to be the one playfully splashing him, being carried around on his shoulders and stealing underwater kisses. "babe, let's play dolphins!" michael says to crystal, making her laugh. "dolphins? how old are you again?" she grins, swimming closer to him. "dolphins never gets old, but your attitude does so I think you should apologize." he replies. crystal playfully scoffs at her boyfriend. "someone's sassy today." she laughs, wrapping her arms and legs around michael's body. he chuckles, resting his hands on her lower back and places a kiss to her lips. you sigh and look away, hoping that one day, that could be you.

wow catch me crying in the club @ my writing why must I do this to myself

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