186. cute parent moments

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these are from various accounts on tumblr!


he would basically be calum's mini me, chubby cheeks and huge brown eyes that you can't help but fall in love with. as soon as his baby's hand reached out and clamped around one of his fingers, calum was overwhelmed with the love he felt for his son. your baby would be fascinated by him, following his every move and whining as soon as he was out of sight. he was completely a daddy's boy. your favourite sight would be his smile, always on his face whenever cal would press soft kisses all over his face, especially to the tip of his little nose. to see his little boy smile, calum would happily kiss his little nose for the rest of his life. he seemed to have a magic touch when it came to your son crying, too. the sound would ease as soon as he was tucked in his daddy's arms, the size of them making him look even tinier. and if cuddling wasn't enough, calum would sing softly to his boy, lulling him into a sleep almost immediately. cal would just be a huge softie for his baby boy.

"Alright! You ready, Bud?!" Luke shouted from the other end of the aisle. His son, Miles was on the opposite end, sitting on a tricycle, and holding a pool noodle. In order to make it a fair game, Luke had managed to squeeze himself onto a tricycle as well. "Yes!" Miles shouted, shaking the pool noddle in the air. "Alright! On your mark... get set... go!" Luke yelled, the two of them peddling as fast as they could towards each other. A loud battle yell came from Miles as the pool noodle lunged forward to hit Luke in the arm. Luke came to a stop once the noddle hit him. "I win again! I win!" Miles shouted, getting off the bike and jumping around in victory. Luke grinned until a manager steps towards them. "Excuse me, you can't be doing this in our store." He informs them. "Sorry, sir. We we're just leaving." Luke apologizes, scooping up Miles and putting him back in the cart, heading to the register. "Okay, let's not tell mommy we got in trouble, alright?" Luke sighs, embarrassed. "Okay." Miles giggles.

you quickly step out of the shower, throwing on a cozy pair of shorts and a tank top before grabbing your towel and walking out of the bathroom. you pad over to the nursery, not wanting to be away from your daughter for too long, even though ashton said he'd watch her. of course you trusted your husband with your toddler, it was just the mom in you. you stop in the doorway of the room, rubbing the towel against your hair to dry it off. you smile, seeing ashton rocking your little girl back and forth in the rocking chair your parents gifted you when she was first born. he was humming and singing softly to get her to fall asleep. her chubby little arms were wrapped around his neck, barely hanging on as she falls deeper into sleep. "i love you, princess." ashton whispers and kisses her head gently. "and i love you." you whisper. ashton looks up and smiles, "i love you too, my queen."

the car ride home was silent. you craned your neck to take peeks at the sleeping toddler strapped into his car seat. there was an overwhelming need to make sure that everything was okay, that he was okay, sound asleep and safe. each time you caught a glimpse your heart would warm and eyes would tear up. michael's hand reached across the console to squeeze yours. there was still an air of disbelief that hung heavily between you and michael. a dusting of exhaustion that still clung to you both, mentally and physically—most of all emotionally. it was finally official. the adoption process had been filled with agonizing wait lists, heartache, trials and tribulations you had never known before, but it was worth it. the reason being letting out soft snores in the backseat. "he snores like you," you told michael and earned a grin as he turned into the driveway, still holding tight on your hand. "like his dad." You finished with a deciding nod of your head.

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